Search Results for : parenting

Empty Nest Syndrome

A significant family milestone occurs when a child transitions into adulthood, prompting parents to adjust to their absence. College students and children who live far from their parents often believe their parents struggle with their departure. In reality, parents who

Positive Social

Filial Piety: Tradition and Modern Challenges

Filial Piety is an ancient ethical principle drawn from Confucianism. It refers to the expression of fraternal love through the virtues of love, respect and reverence towards elders, specifically parents. This is a widely acknowledged tradition in the East-Asian communities.


Pragmatism as the Philosophy of modern times?

Pragmatism is a philosophical movement that happened to begin in the 1870s in the United States of America, particularly through the works of Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, and John Dewey. It focuses on language, thought and meaning-making as a

Mental Health Magazine | Psychology Magazine | Self Help Magazine

Health What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia October 7, 2024 Health How is Sex Addiction Treated ? October 7, 2024 Awareness, Health Understanding the Hidden Roots of Conversion Disorder October 6, 2024 Awareness, Social The Psychology Behind Gender Fluidity


What Is ADHD Masking and How Can It Be Managed?

Have you ever hidden a trait or a quality of yours that makes you different from others and you might have thought that people may judge you or not accept you for not behaving properly? Have you ever had thoughts


How ADHD can Impact your Relationship and How you can (still) Work it out

Having a fulfilling relationship is a bit of a challenge for every person but maintaining a relationship with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is exceptionally difficult. Symptoms include lack of attention, inability to focus, extreme impatience, impulsiveness,  frequent mood swings,


The Psychology Behind the Case of John Wayne Gacy: Pogo the Clown

Trigger Warning: The contents of this article can be Disturbing for some individuals John Wayne Gacy is regarded as one of the most notorious serial killers in the history of America. Due to his evil methods of committing violence and


How to Raise Resilient Kids

How often have you told yourself to just let it go? How many times have you “bounced back” after a difficult situation or struggle? While we all confront problems in life, our resilience, or capacity to adapt and cope with

Self Help

Understanding the Mother Wound and Its Impact on Well-Being

Mothers, who are often represented as the primary caregivers for their children, are known for the unconditional love they have for their kids. We often associate the mother-child relationship with traits like trust, empathy, nurture and comfort that help in


My Child is a Star: Psychology of Kidfluencer Culture

“Look at her outfit, I think I should try this”, “This man has a great vocabulary, I think I should also improve mine”. We live in a world where different types of people surround us and people have the power