Search Results for : emotional disconnect

Has Covid-19 Pandemic Activated Our Attachment Wounds? THIS IS HOW YOU COMBAT.

Ever since the pandemic has started, our lives have turned upside down. Our routine has changed, people are struggling with sleep, waking up with nightmares and experiencing a range of mental health problems, which brings into question, has this pandemic


A Defeatable Devil: Geriatric Depression

Old age is often portrayed as a time of rest. Reflections and opportunities to do things that were put off while raising families and pursuing careers. Even so unfortunately people often isolate themselves at this age. Isolation reinforces the sense

Awareness Health News

Ways To Maintain Your Wellbeing During Exam Season, Right from Self-Love to Seeking Help

The most challenging season for school students is February and March when they are preparing for their annual exams. Their mental health and wellness are significantly impacted by staying up late studying, balancing more classes with additional study, and dealing

Awareness Health

Dissociative Disorders: on overview

Dissociative disorders are indicative of dissociation and a lack of continuity in the normal amalgamation of consciousness, identity, memory, body representation, perception, emotion, behaviour and motor control. Dissociative symptoms carry the potential to disrupt almost every aspect of psychological functioning.

Health News Research

How Financial Stress Became a Reason of Mental Health Crisis: Research

Australia has been facing many challenges from COVID to weather changes, and financial distress due to high costs of living. There is a lot more road to work on the mental health system. The voices of Australians should dictate policy

Awareness Health News

Psychedelics: Proved As a Mental Health Treatment

Mexican Psilocybe Cubensis is a psychedelic mushroom species that contains the active ingredients psilocybin and psilocin. The spores of an adult mushroom. the color combination of red and blue vertical placement. Since the 1960s, when they were utilized as a



A 17-year-old named Devina Singh with the help of her father Arun Singh, Senior Advocate Sonia Mathur and Advocate Rahul Kumar filed a petition in Delhi HC claiming that mental health care laws are unattended in our Educational Institutions like

Awareness Health

What is Schizophrenia?

I still remember my internship days done during my post-graduation. There was visible excitement, exchange of ideas, thoughts regarding various disorders but what bound all of us together was the curiosity to hear and understand patients who were suffering from


Dissociative Identity Disorder in Children

Reena was 6 years old the first time she came to therapy. Her father and stepmother thought she should see a therapist because Reena had recently begun complaining about nightmares and severe body pain (with no physical injury) and had



A psychological perspective on the impact of social distancing and the ways to cope with it This article is being written to address the current situation across the globe regarding social distancing due to the ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’. It has almost