Search Results for : behaviours

Is Delulu the Solulu?: Delusions and Genz

“No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.” Christian Bovee This Christian Bovee Quote from centuries ago echoes the sentiments of Gen-Z social media users who proudly describe themselves

Life Style

10 Reasons behind Why People do not Respect you, According to Psychology 

“I don’t want respect.” Said nobody ever. Everybody wants to be respected, from your parents to your friends to even your cat. Well, your cat probably craves respect most out of all of them. It is a universal truth that


The Psychology Behind Hoarding Behaviour

Hoarding is relatively common; we all know someone with a garage full of random trinkets and things that seem of little use; however, there is a certain point where hoarding becomes an issue. For this reason, Hoarding Disorder has been

Awareness Positive

Self-Isolation & Healing from it

Self-isolation can be defined as a state or condition in which the person prefers to stay away from others, for a certain period, willingly. It can be exercised by means of not attending social events, family or friends together or


Cultivating a Compassionate Classroom

Renowned British novelist and the most popular writer of children’s books Roald Dalh, once quoted, “I think probably Kindness is my number one attribute in a human beings. I’ll put it before any of the things like courage or bravery

Awareness Self Help

Socio-Cultural Differences in Child’s Environment and its Effect on Child-Rearing Practices and Development

Culture is defined as “the totality of socially transmitted behaviour patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions and all other human work and thought characteristic of a community or peculiar to a society or class”. It is the total of the attainment and


Behind the Mask: The Impact of Anonymity and Deindividuation in large groups

We have all done group projects where there is this one person who does not do any work and enjoys anonymity due to the grading injustice. This can be understood as having anonymity in a large group. It is when

Awareness Education

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Psychology Before

“Psychology says, We Only Use 10% of Our Brain”. I’m sure you must have come across posts like this somewhere in your mobile scrolling journey. What if I say this is a myth? Most of these kinds of facts are


Understanding Grief: Navigating the Complex Emotions, Cognitions, and Behaviors

Loss is a word most people fear and dislike, yet it is something we all experience in our lives in one way or another. Although the form in which it enters people’s lives may differ, what remains consistent is the


Love Addiction: The Fine Line Between Passion and Obsession

Nowadays various factors like media, and cultures, portray love as beautiful and as a strong force but just think what happens when it becomes an unhealthy obsession? Imagine just starting a day by thinking about a person who may not