Search Results for : autism
Awareness Health

Global Development Delay: Symptoms,Causes and Treatment

Global Developemnt Delay (GDD) term refers to when child delays in one or more milestone like motor skill , cognitive , social , speech etc sometimes it can be physical too, there are not any single cause responsible for this

Self Help

Behaviorism: History, Types, and Impact

Since the beginning of evolution, humans have been curious about nature. Because of this humans have developed into social being. This curiosity helps us learn many new and progressive things in life. This curiosity also leads the psychologist to learn

Awareness Social

How Social Media Affects Our Attention Span

Many times, we open social media platforms to take a break from our studies or work that we were engaged in earlier till the times we are surprised to see the break which was intended to be no longer than


The Psychology Behind Stubbornness

Have you seen those kids who act very stubborn no matter how much their parents try to pamper them. Moreover, we came across many people in our workplace who are very stubborn. Why do they behave like that? What could


What is Rehabilitation Psychology?

Rehabilitation psychology is a quickly growing applied psychology field that is based on a biopsychosocial model of health and nourishes psychosocial support after the loss of somatic functions. It aims to help people with injury/illness-related disabilities gain healthy independence and


What is Tic disorder, and how it is connected with tourette syndrome?

Tic disorder, as described in Diagnostics and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) is a motor disorder, which comes under the category of neurodevelopmental disorders. Tic disorder is categorized by the presence of tics that occur in isolation, irrespective of


The Psychology behind Emotional sensitivity

It is critical to recognize that sensitivity represents a personality characteristic. Being very perceptive is not a disease. Similar to being quiet or contemplative, it is not always a terrible thing, although each has its drawbacks. There are several possible


How to take care of children with disabilities?

Any form of disability requires specialized education, fitness, and clinical offerings to assist people to reach their fullest capability. Autism, interest-deficit / hyperactivity disease (ADHD), and mental and physical disabilities are common neurodivergent. Data given with the aid of UNICEF


Healing Through Art: The Power of Creative Expression

In its myriad forms, art has crafted human existence in one way or the other. In a world with so much stress, pain, and challenge, art has timelessly helped individuals in so many ways. Art, basically is a subjective expression


Tailored Learning: How Special Education Transforms Lives

People are unique, and so are their needs. Many children have special needs as a result of some kind of disability, be it physical or mental. That is where special education comes in. This kind of education aims to cater