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Self Help

Strategies for Coping with and Recovering from Online Abuse

Any form of abuse that takes place online is referred to as online abuse. Any web-connected device, including PCs, tablets, and smartphones, is susceptible to it. It can also occur anyplace on the internet, such as texts and messaging apps


Into the Fever Dream World

Have you ever fallen sick and had an unusually odd dream? Was it so weird and frightening that you remember it even after years? Did you wake up in a completely confused state only to find your body still burning with


How do you use eSIMs to feel safe and connected anywhere while travelling

Hey, I’m Sarah, a US-based psychologist who is always travelling. This is my article guide on the link between calmness and staying connected online while abroad. After 4-years of extensively studying the impact of digital connectivity on human behaviour and


Calm Your Nerves: Dietary Changes for Reducing Anxiety

Anxious about your upcoming exams? Oh, that’s fine. You’ll do well. Is your mother sick? So you’re afraid something might happen to her? Don’t worry. Things will get better. Worried that you might be late for your first interview if

Awareness Self Help

Non-Suicidal Self-Injury

Trigger Warning: This article contains mentions of self-harm and suicide. Please proceed with caution. Self-harm, especially in the form of cutting or burning, has been romanticised as well as stigmatised. A plethora of myths surrounds Deliberate Self-harm (DSH) or Non-suicidal

Positive Self Help

50 Conversation Starters to Fill Awkward Silences

But mastering the social game sometimes proves to be very difficult, especially when those awkward silences occur. Though these minutes can be truly awkward, they give excellent opportunities to bond on a deeper level and find new subjects. So here


Addiction vs Compulsion

Addiction refers to a persistent and intense urge to use a psychoactive substance or engage in a behavior which produces natural rewards, barring its detrimental consequences. An individual when consumes a particular substance or engages in an activity, activates the


Eco-Anxiety: Effective Ways to Cope with Environmental Grief

Coping mechanisms are strategies that individuals often use to deal with stressful situations and unpleasant emotions. They may be conscious or unconscious. Some individuals may confuse coping mechanisms with defense mechanisms. The two are, however, different concepts. Defense mechanisms are


The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Mental Health: Signs and Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a condition affecting lots of people whereby breathing becomes difficult and even stops when one is asleep. It is well known as a cause of physical ailments including heart diseases and sleepiness during the day; it also


Survey Reveals Mixed Impact of Social Media on GenZ Well-Being

According to a recent Talker Research survey for LG Electronics, 62% of younger people aim to hit the ‘circle’ button on their social media feeds. The survey, conducted online between June 20 and June 24, 2024, with 2,000 Gen Z