Search Results for : mood

Feel Right- Neither too much nor too less!

“People with BPD are like people with third-degree burns over 90% of their bodies. Lacking emotional skin, they feel agony at the slightest touch or movement.” ― Marsha Linehan Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a common long-standing mental disorder, with


Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a very commonly recognized personality disorder. Someone who has BPD will be a lot different from an average person in terms of what they feel, what they relate, what they perceive and what they think. The

Health Positive

Positive health behaviors

Did you know that having and practicing healthy behaviors can really keep you away from many illnesses? It is no brainer; It is something that we might already know, but still we choose to stick to our not so healthy


Food for good mental health

The human mind is perhaps one of the most complex organ of the entire body. It is also a fact human minds gets easily affected by virtually anything around us. Our diet, sleep, environment and physical activities are some of


Perfect Relationship – is a Myth

“Relationship counseling” is such a trending topic these days. It suggests that people are getting aware or may be more sensitive about their mental health in the relationship; they seek advice from professionals to save the relationship or would try



“Happiness or sorrow – whatever befalls you. Walk on Untouched, unattached.” Emotions can be a stronger form of connection among people. Emotion as explained by Morgan, is a subjective feeling. It is described as a physiological basis of feeling influencing

Awareness Health

CYBERCHONDRIA is more serious than it seems!

People are actively using internet to seek information related to health conditions and this pattern of behavior has become prevalent in recent years. It is estimated that more than 100 million (10 crore) individuals who regularly use internet search for


The Rainbows In Life

The Human eye is capable of seeing the beauty of the universe in at least 7,000,000 colours, recognise it’s loved ones and much more.  This sensory marvel makes our lives way more interesting and fascinating. The colours we see contain


Secrets of Addiction

In August 2014 I conducted a seminar on Alcohol and Drug Addiction in Govt. Sec. School in Punjab. It was a good seminar because the students of the school actively participated in the seminar. In a seminar, one of the

Education Health

Performance Anxiety in Students

“I don’t know what’s happening. My stomach hurts badly. I can’t breathe, I can’t stand. I am feeling very hot. Neither I want to do anything, nor go anywhere.” “My hands are shaking, I can’t write anything, I don’t remember