Search Results for : mood
Health Positive

Prioritize your night’s sleep and don’t get deprived of it

How many of you find sleeping to be unmanageable these days? And also consider it as a catastrophe for sack time?   It’s late-night, but you are still awake and finding it difficult to fall asleep. Your eyes glued to

Awareness Education Health

The Truth about Cannabis

The Truth About Cannabis Cannabis, marijuana, ganja, weed, hash, CBD are some of the terms that we have been hearing in media for quite some time now. Well, we all know that they are drugs but do you know that

Awareness Education Health

Lockdown vs Student’s Mental Health

LOCKDOWN vs STUDENT’S MENTAL HEALTH The good mental health of a student is very necessary throughout the world since the entire performance depends on it. Disturbances in mental health not only hurt the particular student but also have serious negative


Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

She scanned the hall with her eyes to check if there was any male member(s) sitting. She has to cross the hall from this side of her room to get to the washroom situated on the other side. And she

Awareness Health Research Social

A look upon games being an addiction

Behavioural addiction / process addiction/ natural reward refers to different mental health conditions in which a person engages in a particular behaviour repeatedly; even if the behaviour causes them harm—it may seem as if they simply cannot resist engaging in

Awareness Education Health

The Harms of Self-diagnosis

The Harms of Self-diagnosis Hippocrates wrote, “If a doctor can tell his patients about their present symptoms as well as the possible progression of those symptoms, and fill in the details they have omitted, he will increase his reputation as

Awareness Education Health

What Is Borderline Personality Disorder And Importance Of Empathy Towards People Suffering?

The notion of today’s world has changed. I’ve often heard, “it’s important to be empathic than sympathetic for anyone.” But, the question remains, how many of us know what is empathy? Authors Konstantikaki and Ioannidou describe empathy, “is the “capacity”

Awareness Motivation

Psychological Grim Realities of Happiness: The Negativity Surrounding the Positivity

Psychological Grim Realities of Happiness: The Negativity Surrounding the Positivity   “Happiness” – undoubtedly the most desired feeling of this world that is why it was always an area of interest by psychologists.  Recently it has been pointed out by

Awareness Health

Lockdown Journey: An Un-Knocked Situation?

In the recent times of unprecedented change and mis-happenings, we are still trying to convince us of the reality of the situation. With the day-to-day rise in the number of Covid- positive cases and with the dearth of the proper

Motivation Positive

How to achieve happiness?

“All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.”– Baruch Spinoza In simpler words happiness is a state of being happy and positive. Apart from a positive mood, happiness is