Search Results for : romantic relationships

Enmeshment Trauma: Being Too Good Can Also Be a Bad Thing

A functioning family will have strong familial relationships. A good family dynamic often has shared ideals and perspectives. However, having too much of a good thing might have unfavorable effects. The blurring of boundaries and duties within a family dynamic


Exploring the Challenges of Maintaining a Healthy Relationship

Healthy and unhealthy partnerships are concepts we’ve all heard of. Even if we may not fully understand what separates a healthy relationship from an unhealthy one, we are aware of what we enjoy. Along with the relationships we form with

Editor's Choice Motivation

Rejection Does Not Mean the End of Life

Even while rejection is a common occurrence, the pain it causes can sometimes seem quite personal. Being informed that you didn’t get the job or that a date you were looking forward to doesn’t want to see you again is


Teenage Pregnancy and Its Impact on Mental Health

The gap between childhood and adulthood is known as adolescence. It entails some significant changes to the physical structure of the body as well as how a young person interacts with the outside environment and goes through physical, behavioral, cognitive,


Teens and Dating: Understanding the Insights and Perspectives

Dating is a part of the social fabric for adolescents. Some adolescents start dating earlier than others. Most teens’ dating expectations come from romantic Bollywood and Hollywood movies or web series on OTT platforms, but real-life dating is not even


Red Flags in a Relationship: Ignore them at your risk

Relationships are a part of our life; few are significant to us. Parents and siblings are one of the first relationships we form. In these relationships, we are aware of societal expectations. However, when it comes to intimate bonds, it


Understanding the link between Relationship distress and Mental Illness

The relationship between relationship stress and mental illness is explored in a recent research by S. C. South of Purdue University that was published in Current Directions in Psychological Science. The study emphasizes the link between mental health problems such


True Meanings of Unconditional Love

Have you ever thought about the areas where you are putting or getting unconditional love? Have you ever thought do you love yourself or loved ones unconditionally or conditionally? You always crave for unconditional love, but did you try to


Gamophobia (Fear of Commitment & Marriage)

What is Gamophobia Gamophobia, or the irrational dread or loathing of marriage or commitment, affects many people. While gamophobia may appear to be a minor issue, it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life and relationships. This post will


Has Covid-19 Pandemic Activated Our Attachment Wounds? THIS IS HOW YOU COMBAT.

Ever since the pandemic has started, our lives have turned upside down. Our routine has changed, people are struggling with sleep, waking up with nightmares and experiencing a range of mental health problems, which brings into question, has this pandemic