Search Results for : phobia
Self Help

Anxiety: It’s not all in the mind

“You know what, I have figured it out. I can control my occasional anxiety attacks.” A patient in his 30s casually rationalises his state a few days after going through a panic attack. Everyone feels anxious from time to time.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Types, Causes and Treatment

Be it a celebrity or an ordinary person, we often find people around us saying that they have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder because they like their surroundings clean and organized. This is because of the lack of awareness that people have OCD


Pharmacotherapy and Its Uses in Mental Health Treatment

Mental illnesses are a global public health concern. As first-line treatments, pharmacotherapies and psychotherapies are advised. But research suggests that a number of Butter flaws in clinical trials—such as publication bias and inadequate control conditions like waiting lists—may have exaggerated


Understanding the Neurobiology of Sleep: Brain Function, Sleep Stages, and Impact on Mental Health

An average human being spends one-third of their day sleeping as sleep is the most important part of daily routine, just like eating food or drinking water. Sleep provides energy to keep going throughout the day; good quality sleep means


Understanding the Psychological Impact of Mumps Disease

Children are most frequently afflicted with the highly contagious salivary gland viral infection known as the mumps. The most noticeable symptom is enlargement of the salivary glands, which gives the person’s face a “hamster-like” appearance. The parotid glands, often known


Understanding the Overlap in Mental Illnesses

A mental disorder is a general word describing a wide variety of psychological disorders that impact behaviour, cognitive abilities, and day-to-day functioning. They affect your emotions, thoughts, and behaviour. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and depression are a few common


Understanding the Comorbidity in Psychology

“Comorbidity” refers to the coexistence of many diseases or conditions in a single patient. When a patient has one or more psychological disorders in addition to their primary ailment, this is referred to as comorbidity in psychology. The term “primary


What is Attribute bias? Let’s know about its theories and types

We often want to know why a person behaves in a certain way as they do. Is it because of personality factors or due to some external factors? Attribution is defined as the process through which we seek information and


Children learning mathematics

The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines mathematics as “the abstract study of number, quantity, and space”. Skemp (1971) observed that having a concept entails more than just knowing its name; it also entails being able to apply the insight gained by


Psychology Behind Blushing

Blushing is a common but poorly understood phenomenon that raises several mysteries. Although it is a noticeable alteration to our most defining characteristic, it can happen when we least expect it to and may even call attention to our actions.