Search Results for : parenting
Self Help

Walking the language of love!

Peace is not to be created and love is not to be seeked. We be it on our journey! The language of love is only meant for Romeos and Juliets on this planet. The stories of Adams and Eve are


Psychologist’s Insights on Empathy and its Psychological Foundations

What is exactly empathy? Over 200 years have passed since thinking people began attempting to comprehend the general phenomena in which one person changes their ideas or feelings as a result of observing another. The question is “Is being empathic

Parenting Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis: A Therapy for Children with Autism

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face challenges that can significantly impact their daily functioning. These challenges include difficulties in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communicative behaviour, and developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. Additionally, children with ASD may exhibit repetitive-restricted


Psychologists’ insights on Imposter syndrome and Relationships

Around 70% of people have struggled with imposter syndrome at some point in their life. With increasing prominence, it is essential to understand its meaning and what are the ways that help in dealing with it, especially in relationships. What

Awareness Education

Mental Health of LGBTQIA+: The Challenges and Possible Solutions

LGBTQIA+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual, and plus(+) shows that society is ready to accept the future identities which will be identified. Before the term “LGBT,” the vocabulary used to characterize this community was quite limiting,


What is Adult Entitled Dependencies?

The term is used to point out the instances when an adult wants to be attended to all the time without taking responsibility for their actions or well-being. It’s when they want you to take care of them. They hold


What is Object Permanence in Psychology?

Have you ever wondered why a baby laughs excitedly during a game of peekaboo or why a toddler is so fascinated with hide-and-seek? These simple yet captivating activities are more than just fun and games; they are pivotal in a


Is There A Link Between Premature Birth And Autism

A recent study shows preterm birth is not a risk factor for autism giving a contradiction to another research earlier. The research involved 1,15,000 births for the last decade, encompassing deliveries from diverse communities of Israel. At the early stage


The Role and Impact of Reinforcement Schedules in Shaping Behaviour

Remember when teachers gave you remarks for good handwriting in school? You used to put great effort into it, and those remarks always motivated and energized you. This is what we call reinforcement in psychology. In our usual day-to-day tasks,


Couple Counselling: Navigating Challenges and Strengthening Relationship

Couple counselling plays a crucial role in addressing unique relationship challenges, such as when a woman decides to divorce her husband because he seems “too perfect.” These situations highlight the underlying complexities that can arise in the relationship, often stemming