Search Results for : behaviours

Psychopaths and Their Eyes: What Do They Reveal?

We always look into the eyes of the person we are meeting for the first time. As they say, “the eyes are the windows to the soul”; you can always tell something about the person just by looking into their


How Fear, Uncertainty, and Trust Shape Buying Behavior in Crises

The interplay of fear, uncertainty, and trust significantly influences consumer purchasing behaviour, especially during crises. A classic modern example of this remains the  COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding these psychological factors can provide insights into how and why individuals respond the way


Schizoid Personality Disorder

Imagine you wake up one day and you are not able to connect emotionally with anyone, you do not feel any emotions that strongly, you feel you are detached from the entire world. What seems like a far-fetched imagination to us


Healing your Mother Wound

Children who feel safe and loved are naturally curious and engage in exploration, play, and growth. Meanwhile those who face physical, mental, or emotional abuse spend their energies toward mere survival. For these children, healing becomes a crucial step in


Dopamine Addiction 

Have you ever reached for your phone without thinking about it, like a compulsion, or scrolling mindlessly through social media for hours? You’re not alone. According to Dr Anna Lembke, “We are seeing a huge explosion, in the numbers of


Pica: The Compulsion to Eat Non-food Items

Pica is an eating disorder characterized by the compulsive consumption of non-food items. This condition occurs across different demographics, most notably in children and pregnant mothers. Apart from its negative health impact it also has dangerous implications on the well-being

Awareness Self Help

Importance of Psychological First Aid

Different kinds of distressing events happen worldwide, such as war, natural disasters, accidents, and interpersonal violence. These distressing events may affect individuals, families, and communities directly or indirectly, either partially or fully. There is a wide range of reactions and

Self Help

How Waiting Impacts Stress and Decision-Making

Waiting is an inherent part of the human experience, for example as a student we wait for our exam results, and a mother waits for their child to get home on time, often leading to various emotional responses, particularly stress.

Awareness Self Help

5 Hacks to Increase Self-Awareness

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Aristotle According to the American Psychological Association, self-awareness refers to self-focused attention or knowledge. It is the capability of directing attention and evaluating our inner self. Humans develop self-awareness between the ages

Awareness Self Help

Non-Suicidal Self-Injury

Trigger Warning: This article contains mentions of self-harm and suicide. Please proceed with caution. Self-harm, especially in the form of cutting or burning, has been romanticised as well as stigmatised. A plethora of myths surrounds Deliberate Self-harm (DSH) or Non-suicidal