Search Results for : autism

Psychology of Touch

For most of us, the first nurturing touch we experience is when a mother holds her baby in her arms. A mother’s gentle touch communicates a sense of safety and comfort to the newborn. This early skin-to-skin contact stimulates neural


Cerebral Cortex: The most important part of human brain

The cerebral cortex, or gray matter, is known as the outermost layer of nerve cell tissue in your brain. Several folds and grooves give it a wrinkly appearance. Memory, cognition, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, emotions, consciousness, and sense-related activities are all


Importance of Play in Children

Children are fond of playing. It is essential for their growth and development. All children have the right to play irrespective of all odds. For children of diverse age groups different types of play and varieties of play materials are


Training is important for parents of children with behavioral issues

Reena is a young mother of Ahaan, a three year old who was recently diagnosed with autism by a psychologist. While struggling to come to terms with her child’s diagnosis and its implications she often feels stressed out with Ahaan’s


Remembering B.F. Skinner and His Contributions to Psychology

B.F. Skinner, whose real name was Burrhus Frederic Skinner, was an American behaviourist, Psychologist, Writer, Inventor, and Social Philosopher. He is regarded as one of the twentieth century’s most important psychologists, especially in the behaviourist subfield. Skinner’s contributions to psychology,


Psychological Benefits of Having Neighbors

One of the first people we should call in an emergency is our neighbors. Those who have pleasant neighbors experience a sense of security. Conversely, people who do not get along well with their neighbors may find it difficult to


Babbling: An Initial Sign of Child Development

Parents get overjoyed and rightly so when they hear the first words of their child like ‘mama’, ‘papa’, ‘dada’. This sound which babies make in the first 4-6 months of their life is called babbling. Babbling sounds are just nonsensical


Parenting with Neurodiversity: Nurturing Diverse Minds

We all are different in terms of everything. So, how can someone be similar in their cognitive functions? Neurodiversity is considered abnormal everywhere and has mostly been treated as a problem to be solved. Although, mental health professionals are trying


Electroconvulsive Therapy

An often-shrouded controversial topic in the field of psychiatry or intervention is the emergence of Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Electroconvulsive therapy also known as ECT is a psychiatric treatment that involves sending electrical stimulation to the brain. This causes a brief


Narrative Therapy

We all have grown up listening to many stories since our childhood—stories about superheroes, kings and queens, fairies, Santa, etc. We have believed in them and, at times followed them, and these stories have at some level altered our way