Search Results for : Behaviors

Why Do Women Face Mental Health Issues During And After Pregnancy?

Mental illness is widespread, and the burden of poor functioning and health is still rising globally even with the expansion of resources and treatment options. There is a widespread misconception that the hormones secreted during pregnancy shield women against mental

Awareness Parenting

Paving the Way for Gender-Neutral Parenting and Acceptance in Society

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it counts.” This quote given by a prominent activist, Barbara Gittings, who worked towards the cause of acceptance of the


Psychology of Entrepreneurship

The psychology of entrepreneurship is concerned with understanding the relationship between effective business leadership and the mental skills and attributes that succeeding entrepreneurs possess. It mostly refers to the mental and emotional factors that influence individuals to start and run


The Role of Chatbots in Mental Health Services: How Does It Impact People?

A chatbot is a computer program designed to communicate and work with people in spoken, written, and graphic languages. Because of the advancements in the AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning domains, chatbots have become more common in a variety


The Psychology of Gossip

Gossip is a phenomenon that is considered bad by many people. Whenever someone brings up the word gossip, people are sure to conjure up images of quivering tongues, loose lips, vicious gossip, and pitiful, helpless targets. The general perception of


10 Tips To Take Care of Teacher’s Mental Health

Being a teacher is a very demanding profession. It requires dealing with fragile and easily influenced minds all day. They face various stressors in their profession from managing their classroom and curriculum demands to dealing with student behavior and administrative


Understanding and Overcoming Fear of Intimacy

Fear of intimacy is a subconscious fear of proximity that regularly disrupts people’s intimate relationships. This fear of physical and/or emotional intimacy frequently manifests in people’s closest and most meaningful relationships. While we may be conscious of our apprehension and


“Risk hai to ishq hai”- Decoding the financial risks and how to stay safe!

A couple of months back we had a 20-year-old boy come to us in our outpatient department who was feeling very distressed, had difficulty sleeping and remained very anxious for the last week. When we interviewed him, we got to


What is Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

People with schizotypal personality disorder are frequently considered as weird or quirky, and they typically have few intimate connections. They have difficulty in understanding how the connections are formed and how relationships exists. They may also misread others’ goals and acts,

Social Technology

Media Psychology: Influence of Media on Behavior and Perception

Media psychology is a growing field of psychology, which studies the impact of media and technology on human behavior. We are in an age where every age group is dependent on some type of media and is consuming media in