Search Results for : therapy

Let’s Talk about Laughter Therapy

One of the most effective non-pharmacological therapies for lowering stress and anxiety is laughter therapy. Laughter has been utilized since ancient times to strengthen and maintain healthy relationships in the social, psychological, and physical domains by influencing cognitive behaviour. Laughing


Ecotherapy & its Impacts on Mental Health

Our senses are drawn to nature, which also evokes awe and amazement in us. We can detach from the demands of daily life and re-establish a connection with something greater than ourselves when we interact with the natural environment. A


Teletherapy & Telehealth: Introduction, Advantages, and Limitations

Technologies such as videoconferencing, the Internet, and others have the potential to provide better mental health information, more efficient and affordable mental health services, and more chances for the prevention of mental health illnesses. With regard to preferred modes of


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques for Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques for Anxiety Cognitive behavioural therapy commonly known as CBT is a popular form of psychological treatment used by most of today’s mental health professionals. It is a talking therapy that can help one manage their problems

Education Positive

Positive Psychotherapy: A Unique Approach to Mental Health

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your actions” said the Dalai Lama. This quote explains that we are in charge of our happiness. Happiness doesn’t happen to us, we have to cultivate happiness using measures like showing gratitude,

Awareness Therapy

Stigma Around Therapy

Mental health problems are becoming more widespread today. Previously, there was a tremendous stigma associated with mental health problems, and seeking help from a mental health professional was considered shameful for their status. The underutilization of mental health services is

Social Therapy

Group Therapy: Aim, Benefits and Types

Have you ever heard about a group therapy session? We would all be a bit sceptical if we are suggested to attend therapy in a group because, for each one of us therapy is that space exclusive for us to


Family Therapy: Objectives, Techniques and Effectiveness

The word ‘family’ defines a group of individuals united by blood, or by marital, adoptive or other intimate ties (APA). As Winston Churchill stated, “ There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all


Your First Therapy Session

What to expect in your first therapy session A therapy session is an interaction between the therapist and the client. That doesn’t mean the therapist and you’ll have a long talk. The length of therapy is determined by your problem


Hypnosis Therapy: Introduction, Uses and Risk

Hypnosis therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions. It is one of the types of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The term Hypnosis was coined by a Scottish surgeon named Braid. Hypnosis is said to be a state