Search Results for : behaviours

Autism Spectrum Disorder

AUTISM is neither a puzzle nor a disease. Autism is a challenge but certainly not a devastating one. Autistic children may not fit into your box of thoughts but they can help you realize that there is ‘NO BOX’. It


What does it mean to have healthy self-esteem

“Believe in yourself” This is a message we encounter constantly, on Instagram posts, books, advertisements, TV shows, and fables – all around us. We keep hearing that believing in ourselves and having high self-esteem is important for success, relationships, happiness


OCD and Treatment through Homoeopathy

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which individuals have recurrent, disturbing thoughts they can’t prevent unless they engage in specific behaviours. It is a type of mental illness. People with OCD can have either obsessive thoughts or

Self Help

Beat stress before it beats you

Give your stress wings and let it fly away Terri Guilletmets According to the definitions available in psychology, stress is a feeling of strain and pressure. It is defined as the mental state we experience when there is a discrepancy


The Funeral Rituals and its Psychological Effect on Individuals

To a living organism, life is the most important thing which starts at birth and ends with death. In the case of human beings, between both of these phases, they go through several developmental stages, from which they learn many


Suicide: Threat to Youth

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers and young adults after the number of deaths due to motor vehicles.Teenage years represent an anxious and unsettling period for boys and girls as they face the difficulties of transition


PUBG and its effects

The most popular game amongst the youth is……..?? “PUBG”!!! The online world has exploded into battle royal madness, with the launch of a huge game called “Player Unknowns Battleground” (PUBG). It is developed and published by PUBG Cooperation, a subsidiary


Narratives of Anger Management

As a psychologist, my interest in anger grew when I noticed resentful behaviour patterns, self-defeating behaviours and tied up blocked emotions. Touching upon anger issues further reflected and highlighted the dynamics of unhealthy behaviours and relationships. Anger is often just


Expelled from school? A huge risk the future

Mr D aged 16yrs was studying in class 12 in an in Pvt School in Chennai. He came to consult me with his parents. He was upset and his parents were hopeless about his behaviour. The issue was around his


I can’t talk about it to anyone……

Self-injury/ Self-harm, “Deliberate Self Harm” or “Non-suicidal self injury” refers to the act of causing injury, not amounting to suicide, on oneself. It can be revolting to many people, as the idea of injuring oneself goes against the concept of