Search Results for : mood

Doom scrolling – can’t keep your eyes off bad news? Tips to break the pattern

Doomscrolling is the urge to keep surfing or scrolling through unpleasant news, even when it is saddening, demoralizing, or depressing. It’s a behavior that many people have developed as a result of the pandemic and something which is likely to

Awareness Health

Failures at Protecting Those Who Suffer from Eating Disorders

Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa are the most commonly occurring eating disorders, however, another specified and unspecified Psychological impact of eating disorders also exist. Often people suffering from other severe mental illnesses may also show signs of certain kinds of eating

Awareness Health

Let’s know about Delusional Disorder

Delusional disorder is a type of psychotic disorder in which a person cannot differentiate between what’s real and what’s not. A delusional person is rigid to the extent that whatever he/she believes is true and doesn’t pay much heed to

Awareness Health

Has your diet been influencing your depression?

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSMV 5, Depressive disorders are of multiple types but they include a few common features which include the presence of sadness, emptiness or irritable mood accompanied by somatic and

Awareness Health News

Ways To Maintain Your Wellbeing During Exam Season, Right from Self-Love to Seeking Help

The most challenging season for school students is February and March when they are preparing for their annual exams. Their mental health and wellness are significantly impacted by staying up late studying, balancing more classes with additional study, and dealing

Self Help

Enclothed Cognition: Dress well to feel well

Ensembles came into existence with a purpose of providing our body protection from the adversity of the environment. With the onset of contemporary times, Fashion trends of our attires became a statement of our style but recently psychologists had proved


Recognizing Children’s Mental Health Issues

Your potential to think rationally, regulate your emotions, and act in suitable ways is referred to as mental well-being. A pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior that is distressing or interferes with a person’s capacity to function is referred to

Education Health Positive Self Help

A Good life begins with you

We often ask ourselves “How to live a good life?”, “Hitting an adversity, we often think how to rethink life?’. Answer to this no way novel yet the only one. We are the architects of our life. Just like a


Human papillomavirus (HPV): A Holistic Approach

Human papillomavirus (HPV) consists of double strands of DNA and is either transmitted sexually or through the use of fomites such as HPV-infected instruments that are not properly sanitized, used in manicures, pedicures, etc. Also, there is a strong correlation


Childhood Trauma – High Time to Rewire Your Brain!

Have you ever thought about the kind of person you are right now. Unpredictable events that occurred when you were a child may have had an effect on you. Being the victim in situations such as bullying, physical assault or even parental incarceration can lead to problems related to mental health which may affect your