Search Results for : mood

10 Reasons People Find it Hard to Forgive Others, According to Psychology

The bitter feelings of resentment towards those who wronged us plague our minds from time to time. “Is holding onto these feelings right?”, “Will I ever be able to forget and feel right again?” These questions haunt many almost every


Sleep Divorce: What You Need to Know About This Trend in Modern Relationship

Over the last two decades or so, the phenomenon of sleep divorce has gained increasing popularity for a significant share of couples who believe that they should sleep in separate beds or even separate rooms. As much as this might

Self Help Therapy

How do you know if therapy is working?

Taking therapy is appreciable, it helps you to know yourselves helps to dig into your inner thoughts and feelings and also helps to know your strengths and weaknesses. It also requires your side’s support to make changes and self-development. Unlike


Understanding Mania and Hypomania: Symptoms, Causes, and Management Strategies

Mania and hypomania are two major mood states associated with bipolar disorder, a disorder that originates from extreme mood changes. Whereas both conditions have similar symptoms, like high, elevated moods and an increase in energy and activity levels, mania is

Positive Social

Compassion Fatigue: A Caregiver’s Silent Battle

Whenever we have a mental breakdown or mental illness and physical illness, we always reach out to health care providers, don’t we? Did you know they also face some kind of distress?  Consider, when you try to assist your friend


10 Reasons People Procrastinate, According to Psychology

“I will not wait until the last minute to complete the task; I will do better in the future”   We all have said this about a million times in our life. But in reality, we all know, the next time


How Common Habits May Harm Your Brain: A Guide to Protecting Cognitive Health

Our brain is one of our strongest assets, but do you know that some of our most common habits may damage our brain and its functions? — Despite its relatively small size, accounting for only about 2% of our total

Health Positive

Living with the Body Scar

The Face is represented as the mirror of the mind as it reflects the emotional condition of an individual. The process can be seen by some common phenomena such as blushing with embarrassment skin fading with fear, and sweating with


Understanding Mutism: Types, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Mutism is a condition characterized by an inability or unwillingness to speak, or a significant reduction in speech. It is a frequent clinical sign observed in both psychiatric and neurological outpatient clinics. Although rarely seen as an isolated disability, it


ADHD and Workplace Challenges

“Could you please calm your nerves, or do you have ADHD?”“Why can’t you just concentrate and do it right for just one time?”“Please get back to your room, and save me from trouble” All of us have had parents/caregivers complaining