Search Results for : mental health disorders
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The Hidden Effects of Vaping Addiction on Mental Health

The definition of addiction is a chronic, recurrent condition marked by obsessive drug seeking and usage despite negative outcomes. Because it causes functional alterations to the brain circuits responsible for reward, stress, and self-control, it is regarded as a brain


The Correlation Between Hair Loss and Mental Illness

Scalp hair is more important socially and psychologically than it is biologically to humans. Hair serves no purpose in humans other than providing cranial cushioning and protection from the sun’s rays. Beyond its socioeconomic significance, hair can become an important

Awareness Self Help

Academic Pressure on Higher Studies and its Impact on Students Mental Health

Trigger Warning: This content can be sensitive to some readers as it has Repeated mention of Suicides and Related terms In India, where students make up 60% of the population, more than 1 lakh people commit suicide each year. In


Why Do Women Face Mental Health Issues During And After Pregnancy?

Mental illness is widespread, and the burden of poor functioning and health is still rising globally even with the expansion of resources and treatment options. There is a widespread misconception that the hormones secreted during pregnancy shield women against mental


The Adverse Effects of Air Pollution on Mental Well-Being

Air pollution is the term used to describe any chemical, physical, or biological factor that tampers with the natural properties of the atmosphere to contaminate the indoor or outdoor environment. Common causes of air pollution include motor vehicles, industrial operations,


Study: Prenatal Depression linked to Premenstrual disorders

Perinatal depression is a mood disorder that occurs during pregnancy and after childbirth. In rare cases, the symptoms are severe enough that a mother and her baby’s health and well-being may be at risk. Read More: Understanding and Preventing Perinatal


Aider in Mental Health + (ve) Community

Emerging trends nowadays about ‘mental health’ and ‘mental health awareness’ has led to more and more people to talk about it on an open platform. Crowding on various social media platforms about a large chunk of information regarding mental health,


Mental Health Insurance in India

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), mental health is defined as a state of mind characterized by emotional well-being, good behavioral adjustment, relative freedom from anxiety and disabling symptoms, and a capacity to establish constructive relationships and cope with


Pharmacotherapy and Its Uses in Mental Health Treatment

Mental illnesses are a global public health concern. As first-line treatments, pharmacotherapies and psychotherapies are advised. But research suggests that a number of Butter flaws in clinical trials—such as publication bias and inadequate control conditions like waiting lists—may have exaggerated


Increasing incidents of non-consensual pornography in India: a rising challenge for researchers and mental health providers

An occurrence in Punjab startled the country when it was reported that recordings of around 60 female college students having a shower were released and quickly disseminated online. As of July 2022, there are around 5 billion internet users globally,