Search Results for : defence mechanism

Psychology of Belief

Human attitudes and beliefs steer our thinking, choices, and actions. Beliefs have profound effects on both persons and societies, they can be either religious or political. Nonetheless, the psychology behind trust is a multi-dimensional construct that includes cognitive, emotional, and

Positive Self Help

The power of Pause and a Breath  

In this time of chaos, we have been isolated from our routines and support systems. We have got a lot of time in our hand to think and spend time with our self but we might end up scratching our

Awareness Self Help

Trauma: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

With rising awareness about mental health on social media and other sources of information, the term “trauma” gets thrown around a lot. But do we know what it means, and how it can be overcome? Read on to know more

Education Life Style

Happiness and Immune System

The evolutionary viewpoint on human emotion perception suggests that the existence of emotions intended to shape behaviour should be mirrored in immunological and physiological responses. Numerous studies have been conducted on the intricate relationships between the immune system and the


What is Stockholm Syndrome?

How many of us have watched the Bollywood movie “Highway” with Alia Bhatt in its lead role and have wondered how she ever ended up falling in love with somebody who was technically her kidnapper? Have you ever given a

Self Help

Perception: The Art of Creativity

“Perception is merely a reality filtered through the prism of your soul.” – Christopher A. Ray John Locke, an enlightenment thinker, with the help of his experiments made it clear that the perception involves dozens of the mechanism for actively