Search Results for : autism

The Correlation Between Hair Loss and Mental Illness

Scalp hair is more important socially and psychologically than it is biologically to humans. Hair serves no purpose in humans other than providing cranial cushioning and protection from the sun’s rays. Beyond its socioeconomic significance, hair can become an important

Education Parenting

TEACCH: Embracing Neurodiversity, Cultivating Independence

Comprehensive treatment model (CTM)  refers to those intervention approaches for children under the Autism spectrum. It includes multiple practices to approach a broad learning goal. Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH) is one of the


Understanding and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Classroom

Briefly about Neurodiversity The majority of humans are neurotypical. They express the usual cognitive, intellectual, and developmental skills expected of individuals within their age group. Simply, they interpret the world as society might expect. However, this time, we will pay


Animal-Assisted Therapy: Its Benefits and Procedure

The strong notion that human well-being is enhanced by relationships with animals has led to the development of several interventions of Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT). Animal-assisted therapy has increased despite having poor scientific data and weak research, mostly due to anecdotal


What is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in Children?

Sensory processing disorder is an illness in which the brain has difficulty receiving and responding to information obtained through the senses. Some patients with sensory processing disorder are hypersensitive to stimuli in their environment. Common sounds might be painful or


10 Tips to Deal with Childhood Epilepsy

Childhood epilepsy is a class of neurological disease that affects thousands of children across the world. The rebounded outcomes are always either unconfined or unexpected electrical blasts in the head. These can vary in the degree that can be severe,


Understanding the Overlap in Mental Illnesses

A mental disorder is a general word describing a wide variety of psychological disorders that impact behaviour, cognitive abilities, and day-to-day functioning. They affect your emotions, thoughts, and behaviour. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and depression are a few common


Understanding the Comorbidity in Psychology

“Comorbidity” refers to the coexistence of many diseases or conditions in a single patient. When a patient has one or more psychological disorders in addition to their primary ailment, this is referred to as comorbidity in psychology. The term “primary


What is Pediatric Neuropsychology? Study of the brain and behavior in children

Pediatric Neuropsychology is a field of psychology that pertains to the study of the brain and behavior in children. It involves assessing and treating cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social difficulties arising from brain dysfunction or injury. It studies the interplay


What is Abnormal psychology? Meaning, history, and Theoretical perspectives

The study of psychopathology and abnormal conduct, or the thought, emotion, and behavior patterns that may indicate a mental health issue, is known as abnormal psychology. The phrase encompasses a wide range of problems, including personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),