Search Results for : therapy

What is Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)?

APA Dictionary of Psychology defines REBT or Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy as a form of cognitive behaviour therapy that is based on the idea that an individual’s self-defeating beliefs influence and may even create negative feelings and behaviours. REBT was

Education Therapy

What is Chromotherapy?

Have you ever observed your mood being affected by the colours around you? Maybe the colour black has made you feel sadness, or yellow has made you joyful. Colours play a huge role in our lives and affect our attitudes.


What is Schema Therapy?

Schema Therapy is a relatively new therapeutic technique, developed by the psychologist Jeffrey Young in the 1980s to the 1990s. Young theorised that sometimes, people may develop maladaptive thinking patterns in childhood, that interfere with healthy functioning in their adult


What is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy?

Psychological interventions have evolved along with the field of psychology. Today, various branches of psychology offer various theories and perspectives that aid human beings in dealing with their mental health issues. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MBCT) is a holistic approach


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

A subset of clinical behaviour analysis and a type of psychotherapy is acceptance and commitment therapy. It is an empirically supported psychological intervention that increases psychological flexibility by combining behavioural and commitment techniques with acceptance and mindfulness techniques. The following


The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Therapy

Imagine you have a fear of heights, you might think that this could be a difficult task for you to overcome this situation. But what if someone tells you that you can overcome this phobia without being in a real-life


What is Comedy Therapy?

We have all heard the phrase “Laughter is the Best Medicine.” But have you thought about going down the tangent of using comedy and humour to deal with psychological issues? When we think about therapy, detailed description and discussion about


Wilderness Therapy: Stages, Types and Advantages

The environment and natural surroundings play a critical part in influencing one’s mental health and overall well-being. Wilderness therapy may be a field of interventions that’s both assorted and gradually coming together, including individual and group therapy in natural settings.


Dance Therapy: Discover Yourself Through Movement

Dance Therapy: Discover Yourself Through Movement Dance/ Movement Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that promotes the use of movement as a tool for emotional, physical, social and cognitive integration. This method of therapy does not focus on dancing or

Life Style

Therapy Speak: Dangers and Effects

Language that can be traced back to the world of psychology has always been a part of the common lingo. Terms like ‘repression’, ‘slip of the tongue’, and ‘inner child’ all stem from the work of Freud. However, over the