Search Results for : mood

The Psychology of Smoking Relapse

Smoking relapse is one of the most significant challenges that most smoking quitters or stoppers face. Although wide availability of cessation aids and interventions exist, the rate of relapse remains relatively high, with many returning to smoking within the first


The Psychology of the Lipstick Effect

What is that one thing you can’t live without and would buy somehow even if the whole world is turning upside down? Do you shop when money is rolling in like, ka-ching? Or do you buy when you’re depressed? And

Awareness Health

The Rise of AI in Mental Health: Benefits and Hurdles

In the last two years, interest in AI therapy has increased, and with that, experts have come to the front to discuss its merits and demerits. As we get to learn more about artificial intelligence, particularly how it applies to


Understanding Cotard Delusion: The Walking Corpse Syndrome

If a person dies, will they continue to eat, sleep or take medicines? Will they brush their teeth or take a bath? No, right? Well, that is what people diagnosed with Cotard delusions argue. Cotard Delusion is a rare neuropsychiatric

Awareness Self Help

How Unexpected Positive Events Influence Happiness and Mental Health

There is a strong relationship between happiness and mental health. It is well-accepted that unexpected positive events are important indicators of healthy well-being. Such events may be trivial day-to-day activities to something out of the ordinary, but one’s feelings can


Shift Work Sleep Disorder

People working other than traditional hours, such as night shifts, early morning shifts, or rotating shifts, may have Shift Work Sleep Disorder, or SWSD. Unlike the typical 9-to-5 workers, shift workers often find themselves awake when others are asleep and


Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Imagine that your life is a movie and nothing is real, you have no control over what you say or do. This is how people suffering from depersonalization-derealization disorder feel regularly. Let’s find out more about it.  What is Depersonalization-Derealization


Life of an Ambivert  

Are you someone who likes to go out and meet new people every day? Or, are you someone who likes to stay alone on weekends in the comfort of your own house?  Or, are you someone who likes to go out

Awareness Health

How Does Menopause Affect Mental Health: Psychologist Speaks

Menopause is a big event in a woman’s life; it presupposes the end of her reproductive age. The hallmark of this status is no menstrual bleeding for a continuous period of 12 months. It usually happens between the ages of

Awareness Self Help

The Impact of Digital Overuse and the Benefits of a Tech Detox

From morning to evening, Sunday to Saturday, the whole year, we spend most of the time with our mobile phone, laptop, Television, or monitor. Can you tell a whole day, you spend with your surroundings, family, friends, or nature? We