Search Results for : behaviours

Trichotillomania: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

The term “trichotillomania” (TTM), commonly referred to as “hair-pulling disorder,” was not originally used until the latter half of the 18th century, although it was initially mentioned in  Greek literature. In these situations, the patient’s actions lead the hair to


Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Phobias

Phobias are one of the most common mental disorders in India. The specific phobias can include fear of things or situations such as heights, enclosed, spaces, and social situations. This affects almost 4.2% of people in India. This may seem

Self Help

8 subtle things to do when you are feeling Worthless

Upon looking at the bright sky, have you ever felt gloomy, which resembles nothing from the warm and soothing weather? And then, you would say to yourself, “ahh. How wholesome of the weather! I wish I could feel so about


Psychology behind Reckless Driving

“Speed thrills but kills”—a phrase we often hear, yet the allure of reckless driving persists despite the known dangers. Every year, reckless driving results in thousands of deaths and injuries worldwide. This article explores why people continue to engage in

Self Help

Psychology of Self-Criticism

We have all had that annoying voice in our head constantly berating us. Haunting us with a voice repeating “You are not enough”. That berating voice inside our head hurts more than anyone else insulting us. While this happens rarely

Health Self Help

Adjustment Disorder: Types, Symptoms & Treatment

Change is never easy. Be it from small changes like getting a new haircut to moving to a new city, change is uncomfortable. So when there is a sudden unexpected change in your life, a big blow that you did

Health Self Help

Martyr Complex: The Cost of Seeking Validation Through Sacrifice

“Martyr” is a term that originated in biblical times. While it was a good attribute then, being a martyr becomes destructive as a personality trait. There is a significant difference between helping people out of genuine kindness and helping people


Orthorexia Nervosa: The Obsession with ‘Healthy’ Eating

Eating healthy is a goal that most of us would like to achieve, it’s a pathway to a better lifestyle and an answer to many of our health-related problems. A healthy diet is often synonymous with a healthier and happier

Awareness Parenting

The Impact of Divorce on Children’s Mental Health

Divorce is a major life experience that can significantly alter a child’s world. It affects emotional well-being, behavioural patterns, and social interactions. While shifting family structures and parents dealing with life’s turmoil, children often get caught right in the middle.

Awareness Life Style

Everything You Need To Know About the 4 types of Introverts

Imagine being invited to a party. Reluctantly or not, you dragged yourself there only for the only person you know to disappear into the sea of crowds. What would your reaction be? Would you consider this an opportunity to meet