Search Results for : behaviours
Awareness Relationship


Parents are considered to be the first interaction that an infant has in his life and considering that they are also initial caregivers to the child, the child will look up to his/her parents and will try to imitate their


How Serious IS Autism Spectrum Disorder?

There are 70 million people in the world with Autism and 85% of them live in the developing countries. Earlier it was called to be a Pervasive Developmental Disorder now it is said to be a neuro-developmental  condition. It includes deficits


How Romantic Movies Influence The Way In Which We Perceive Love?

It is no doubt that romantic movies have taught us some things about love. As young people or kids we have used them as reference to express love or a medium which provided expressions and flowery lines. No matter how

Awareness Health Motivation Social Travel


Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary. We all have plans to visit or go to a place or another. We’ve all got a list of places where we like to go, maybe with our friends or


Do You Want To Combat The Problems In Life?

A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin How many of you believe in it? How many of you follow it? How many of you make room for laughter? How many of you think you need a good

Awareness Education Health Self Help

Covid-19: Is Behavioural Science The Key To Handle The Pandemic?

In the challenging times of Covid-19, every person is suffering from one thing or the other. Be it financial loss, health problems or work related stress. We are surrounded by uncertainty regarding almost everything in our lives. Our lives have

Self Help

Why There Is A Need To Connect With Self?

A day has 24 hours and by subtracting the hours we spend on sleep, we spend around 15 hours awake. How much of it do we spend with ourselves? And what is our own importance for ourselves? Does the answer

Awareness Self Help

Why Is It Important To Develop Self – Compassion?

We spend our entire lives with one person. The journey with this person is guaranteed till the end, in sickness and in health, through every roadblock and success. Wouldn’t we want to make this relationship a thriving one, considering it

Awareness Health Research Social

Reckless Driving: The Dread of the Indian Roads?

Reckless driving is a major concern in the Indian society. According to the National Health Portal, India witnessed 1,51,417 deaths due to Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) in 2018. Out of these deaths, 97,588 deaths were caused due to over-speeding, and

Relationship Self Help

How Does Your Attachment Style Affect Your Relationship?

Attachment is a deep emotional bond that connects two people. John Bowlby, the father of the attachment theory, said that attachment aids in survival because making strong emotional bonds is an important part of human nature. Human beings form their