Search Results for : behaviours

Peter Pan syndrome- A child trapped in an adult’s body

Growing up as children, we yearned for independence, but as adults, we realize how challenging being a grown-up can be. It can be difficult dealing with the stresses of adult life, from meeting deadlines to paying bills. It may be

Self Help

Have You Ever Felt Shame For Your Looks?

Body shaming has taken on a persistent issue with far-reaching effects in today’s image-obsessed society. Body shaming is the act of criticising, condemning, or making fun of someone’s physical appearance, frequently based on accepted ideals of beauty. This harmful behaviour


The experiences of families raising autistic children

The North-West University Department of Psychology led research which involved Boitumelo K. Phetoe, Heleen K. Coetzee, Petro Erasmus, and Wandile F. Tsabedze. They set out to explore families’ real-world struggles in raising autistic children. As we know, both in South


Understanding Phobias and Overcoming Your Fears

Phobias are intense, persistent, and irrational fears of certain situations or objects. They can cause significant distress, interfering with an individual’s ability, and limiting their daily activities to function normally. They also have a significant impact on people’s mental health


7 Warning Signs of Bad Parenting

Being a parent is a difficult job that calls for a lot of effort, tolerance, and love. While every parent wants the best for their child, there are times when they may unknowingly exhibit signs of bad parenting. The emotional,


Not All Criminals Have Mental Illness

Mental Illness and Criminal Behaviour For decades, people have argued about and discussed the link between mental illness and criminal behaviour. The notion that criminals suffer from a mental disorder makes sense to many people. After all, it’s difficult to


Gamophobia (Fear of Commitment & Marriage)

What is Gamophobia Gamophobia, or the irrational dread or loathing of marriage or commitment, affects many people. While gamophobia may appear to be a minor issue, it can significantly impact a person’s quality of life and relationships. This post will


India Fighting Against Workplace Sexual harassment

Any unwanted sexual behavior, approaches, or remarks that create a threatening, hostile, or offensive atmosphere in the workplace, in school, or in any other context constitute sexual harassment. Workplace exploitation is a very common problem faced in both developed and


Understanding Borderline personality disorder- where only black and white exists

Personality disorders are mental health condition that begins in adolescence or early adulthood. If personality disorders are not cured they can cause intense distress in individuals suffering from personality disorders. borderline personality disorder is known as a serious personality disorder.


Charisma: The power to rule hearts and minds

Do you know a person who looks really well, speaks really well and is so good that you and others really like, trust, and admire him/her? You don’t just agree with their ideas, you also ‘want’ to agree with them.