Search Results for : traumas
Self Help

The Connection of Journaling with Mental Health

To better comprehend your thoughts and feelings, put them in writing. Additionally, journaling might be a fantastic option if you deal with stress, despair, or anxiety. Writing down your feelings and ideas as you go through daily life is called


Emotional Baggage in the Workplace

While being in our profession or at our workplace, we all may have felt nervous, anxious, even hopeless and desperate at some point or the other. We may have had multiple negative emotions knocking on the doors of our minds


The Antics of the Indian Movies – A Psychological View

The largest film industry in the world churning out a whopping number of movies, approximately, 1,986 in a single Year with a total valuation of 15,500 Crore, tends to look less at the aspect of mental illness and more at

Self Help

Ride your waves, My friend

I have always admired beaches because of my love for the sea and beautiful sunsets. If you’ve walked on a beach bare feet, leaving foot imprints and enjoying the touch and go of the waves; as you look at the


The Hidden Scars of Witnessing Domestic Violence in Childhood

Witnessing Domestic Violence in Childhood Usually, the problems of children from domestic violence homes are easily ignored. The parents try their best to keep their children away from episodes of such, plus the signs are sometimes so subtle that the

Health Life Style

Beyond Trauma: Illuminating the Power of Post-Traumatic Growth

Life is a name of blunders and surprises, happiness and pain, loss and gain and so on. So, some people deteriorate their lives after something terrible happens to them by focusing on negative aspects of life, crying and cribbing all

Self Help

Resilience: Adjusting Focus From Where You Can’t Do To What You Can

All of us might have experienced drawbacks in our lives, be it losing someone very dear to us or facing rejection from our loved ones. We may tend to look at the challenges and drawbacks as a resource and energy-sucking

Awareness Self Help

Debunking the Stigma: 5 Myths About Seeking Mental Health Professional Help

Despite the awareness of growing mental health concerns in society, why do people still not prefer to go to therapy or seek any mental health professional’s help? What is stopping them? The stigma around seeking help from mental health professionals

Self Help

How Trauma and Identity Are Related to Each Other?

We all have a sense of self, who we think we are and the values we believe in. This sense of self is central to our identity. As Erik Erikson put forward identity is shaped throughout our life and can


Infidelity And Micro Cheating: Hurdle in A Relationship

Physical or emotional closeness between people is a sign of an intimate relationship. An intimate connection might involve family, friends, or acquaintances in addition to being a sexual one, despite the fact that these relationships are less prevalent. A romantic