Search Results for : psychology

RML Delhi Admission For M.phil. Clinical Psychology 2024

Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital has issued its notifications regarding admission in M.Phil Clinical Psychology. Here are the details for your preparation. What is M.Phil in Clinical Psychology? It is a two-year course approved by RCI (Rehabilitation Council of India). RCI


How to Speak so that People Will Listen: Psychology Behind Communication

Building strong relationships, achieving goals both personally and professionally, and fostering a feeling of community all depend on effective communication. Significant insights on how to enhance our communication skills are provided by various psychological research. This article examines fundamental concepts


Psychology Behind Somatosensation

Somatosensation can be simply described as the process of giving meaning or perception of all the physical sensations that we feel through our sensory organs. These include sensations like touch, pressure, temperature, and pain that we receive via our sensory

Life Style Positive

The Psychology Behind Fame

To be noticed, to be loved, to grab the attention when you walk into a room, for people to understand and respect your opinion, this is all fame is all about. Craving attention and focus of others. Despite having many


My Child is a Star: Psychology of Kidfluencer Culture

“Look at her outfit, I think I should try this”, “This man has a great vocabulary, I think I should also improve mine”. We live in a world where different types of people surround us and people have the power


William James’ Legacy in Psychology

William James contributed to the field of scientific psychology as it developed in the United States and was known as the leading American Psychologist. His work in establishing the book, The Principles of Psychology was the major American antecedent to

Life Style

The Psychology Behind Why People Love Extreme Sports

Enthusiastic, adrenaline junkie, and adrenaline rush, are words we are all familiar with. Either we are that person who loves an activity with an adrenal rush or we know someone who is an adrenaline junkie and engages in risky or


National Annual Conference of Society of Addiction Psychology will highlight new Advancements in Addiction

The 3rd National Conference of the Society of Addiction Psychology is organized by the Department of Clinical and Rehabilitation Psychology and Research at the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (Divyangjan), Dehradun. Substance Abuse Disorder (SAD) is

Positive Relationship

The Psychology Behind Interpersonal Relationships

Humans are social animals. The relationships humans share with others are essential for our social, emotional, and physical health. Knowing how to sustain interpersonal relationships will help us in creating a support system, providing strength and courage in turn to


The Psychology Behind Reaction Time

Spontaneity is an essential part of functioning in everyday life. One needs to be quick and smart. Making decisions at work, being responsive during an emergency, and selecting moves while playing a game are all examples of everyday spontaneity. This