Search Results for : parenting

Healing your Mother Wound

Children who feel safe and loved are naturally curious and engage in exploration, play, and growth. Meanwhile those who face physical, mental, or emotional abuse spend their energies toward mere survival. For these children, healing becomes a crucial step in


Because It Is Beyond Dolls For Girls And Cars For Boys!

If you really want to get to know someone, you don’t ask what’s between their legs David Stocker Parenting marks to be a pivotal foundation in an individual’s life. It contributes to shaping one’s identity and to a great extent,


10 Strong reasons your partner is a Green Flag, according to Psychology

“He checks my phone, he is such a Red flag’’, “He brought me chocolate and ice-cream during my periods, he is a Green flag for sure” We notice these statements being said around us a lot these days. The terms ‘Red


“I am Just Bad at it”: Understanding Weaponized Incompetence in Relationships

“You had one job and you didn’t do it right?” You must have heard this at least once. Well, if the explanation given to this question is, “Sorry, I’m not good at it”, it is understandable. But, imagine if these


Psychology of Sibling Relationships: Understanding Their Impact

Do you have any siblings or are you an only child? Have you ever wished you had siblings or didn’t have them? There probably were days when the grass seemed greener on the other side. Despite all the challenges and

Awareness Self Help

Socio-Cultural Differences in Child’s Environment and its Effect on Child-Rearing Practices and Development

Culture is defined as “the totality of socially transmitted behaviour patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions and all other human work and thought characteristic of a community or peculiar to a society or class”. It is the total of the attainment and

Self Help

Fawning: Trauma, People-Pleasing, and Healing

Trauma overwhelms an individual’s capacity to cope with stressful incidents. FIGHT, FLIGHT, FREEZE and FAWNING are the four known fear responses. Fawning refers to a coping mechanism which is characterized by resorting to people pleasing and submissive behaviors. It aids


Transgenerational Trauma and Patriarchy

Looking at the world today, troubled with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression which are the most common, millennials often do not understand where these issues are coming from. The common questions often tainted with detest and aversive

Awareness Health

Why it’s difficult to Define ‘sex’ and Why its use is a Functional Disparity? – A Psychological Perspective

This article might be an uncomfortable read from a layman’s perspective and they might affirm it closer towards that mental health professionals are ‘psyche’ or ‘crazy’.  Nevertheless, this article holds a strong potential to be understood from a psychological standpoint for

Crime Social

Psychology of Misogyny: Signs, Causes, and Impacts

Throughout history, different cultures have perpetuated pervasive issues of gender inequalities and discrimination in various forms. A global survey conducted in 2023 revealed that nearly one in 3 women have experienced Gender-based violence or discrimination in their lifetime. This alarming