Search Results for : mood

Addiction vs Compulsion

Addiction refers to a persistent and intense urge to use a psychoactive substance or engage in a behavior which produces natural rewards, barring its detrimental consequences. An individual when consumes a particular substance or engages in an activity, activates the


Eco-Anxiety: Effective Ways to Cope with Environmental Grief

Coping mechanisms are strategies that individuals often use to deal with stressful situations and unpleasant emotions. They may be conscious or unconscious. Some individuals may confuse coping mechanisms with defense mechanisms. The two are, however, different concepts. Defense mechanisms are


The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Mental Health: Signs and Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a condition affecting lots of people whereby breathing becomes difficult and even stops when one is asleep. It is well known as a cause of physical ailments including heart diseases and sleepiness during the day; it also


Survey Reveals Mixed Impact of Social Media on GenZ Well-Being

According to a recent Talker Research survey for LG Electronics, 62% of younger people aim to hit the ‘circle’ button on their social media feeds. The survey, conducted online between June 20 and June 24, 2024, with 2,000 Gen Z

Life Style

10 Powerful Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness Every Day, According to Psychology

You might have heard the term – “mindfulness” a lot these days on magazine covers,  from Instagram influencers and a lot of other places. Are you one of those people who think of a person sitting alone on a mountaintop when


The Role of Inpatient Treatment in Mental Health Management

Hospitalization can have a major impact on the stabilization and recovery from severe mental health issues. It provides organized, round-the-clock emergency mental health care for everyone in crisis (whatever their age) and renders a greater admission-to-discharge continuum that can enhance

Education Positive

Cognitive Training for Mental Health: Insights from Psychologists

One significant aspect of present-day life, mental health, reflects overall well-being that has been garnering effective interventions to manage and enhance. One such effective intervention to enhance and manage mental health is cognitive training, gaining popularity and recognition nowadays. Cognitive

Relationship Self Help

Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Crush? Here’s How to Let Go

The smile automatically appears when the word “crush” is mentioned. Navigating the emotions that come with having a crush can be challenging, especially when it comes to moving on. Whether it’s a more intense attraction or the process of overcoming


Discovering Diaphragms and Contraceptive Gels for Safer, Smarter Choices

The task of choosing the right method of contraception can be very tedious. But no fear, here are two great options that provide non-hormonal protection and are simple to use. Let’s delve deeply into diaphragms and contraceptive gels and see

Awareness Self Help

Life beyond Depression

Depression is a common illness worldwide, with an estimated 3.8% of the world population affected, including 5.0% among adults and 5.7% among adults older than 60 years (WHO, 2022). Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression. According to