Search Results for : mental health disorders

Bulimia: Princess Diana’s Hidden Health Struggle

Princess Diana, first of all, had the nickname of “the People’s Princess” and became very popular by her grace, kindness, and selfless way living of her life for the people’s good. Still, despite the facade of glamorous royalty, Diana knew

Self Help Social

Empowering Minds: Revolutionizing Teenage Mental Health in India

Adolescence is not just a period of storm and stress. It is a time of opportunities, a chance to leap into the fullness of our being James E. Marcia In recent years, India has witnessed a significant rise in mental


How does our Gut Health Influence Mental Well-Being? Here’s what Experts say

Our gut is called the second brain as it has about 100 million neurons and this number is more compared to both the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. It has got sheaths of neurons that are embedded in the

Life Style

Mindful Eating: A Path to Healthier Relationships with Food

An overabundance of body weight is one of today’s most squeezing open well-being issues. Our relationship with nourishment is significant. A later UK investigation on building up a positive ‘Food Future’ expressed that customers encounter a misfortune associated with nourishment

Awareness Life Style

Exercise Addiction: Balancing the Benefits and Risks for Mental Health

Exercising and physical activity are quite necessary, for a healthy body holds space for a healthy mind. In addition to improving physical fitness, exercise has been proven effective in elevating mood and reducing anxiety and stress levels. However, over-exercising is


Intersections of Poverty and Mental Health: Revisiting the Gap 

In their inaugural edition of the World Health Report titled “Bridging the Gap,” the World Health Organization (WHO) identified poverty as the most lethal global affliction (WHO,1995, p.v). The impact poverty has is evident throughout various phases of human existence.


Physical Health Challenges Affect One in Four Individuals with Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder

Lancet Psychiatry published a study report on adults with severe mental problems like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia who are twice as likely to develop multiple physical health problems, for example, diabetes, heart disease etc. than adults without any mental disorders.


Do you know the Mental Health Benefits of Fasting?

Fasting in layman terms refers to giving up food consumption for a certain interval such as a day or two. Intermittent fasting refers to having a coordination between fasting and normal eating. Further there have been a lot of different


The Role of Cybersecurity in Mental Well-being

In today’s era where we are surrounded by various electronic gadgets and technological advances, these tools and accessibilities have become an essential part of our lives. These tools range from surveillance cameras at public places like parks and streets to


Mental Health Issues in Cancer Patients During Treatment

Cancer diagnosis and the treatment that follows can be among the most severe challenges that face not only physical health but also mental wellness. The mental experience of the struggle with cancer is one capable of deep disappointment, causing anxiety,