Search Results for : meditation
Health Positive

Living with the Body Scar

The Face is represented as the mirror of the mind as it reflects the emotional condition of an individual. The process can be seen by some common phenomena such as blushing with embarrassment skin fading with fear, and sweating with

Positive Self Help

10 Characteristics of Highly Satisfied People, According to Psychology

Life satisfaction is an essential aspect of human well-being. This has been examined by many scholars in different fields & disciplines. Philosophically, life satisfaction can be taken as a form of the human search for happiness and fulfilment. Greek philosophers


What to do if You Can’t Afford Therapy Anymore? 

Financial problems can come knocking at any time. One can say it’s as predictable as rain, you may or may not see it coming. Financial problems cause stress that leads to poor mental health, which leads to the need for

Relationship Self Help

Spotting Manipulation: How to Protect Yourself and Set Boundaries

Have you ever felt that you are a puppet and someone else is pulling your strings? — whether someone is making you do things or stopping you from doing something? Manipulation is never easily visible or detectable like coercion, the

Self Help

How to Deal with Emotional Flooding, According to Psychologists

Can you remember a time when you experienced too many emotions, so much so that they seemed to fill up your throat, your body being flooded with them? Well, let’s learn what this emotional flooding phenomenon is, and how to

Awareness Self Help

The Psychology of Dangerous Behaviour

The mind in its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven. By-John Milton, Poet Our minds can be unpredictable which can lead to us taking dangerous actions, that are unethical, scary and


10 Habits of Highly Focused Individuals, According to Psychology

Take a moment and observe the never-ending thoughts racing in your mind, scavenging for your attention. In a world of distractions, our focus is divided among diverse tasks, making it difficult to achieve goals. Losing focus is so easy that

Life Style Positive

10 Factors that Contribute to Happiness, According to Psychology

Throughout history, humans have engaged in bloody wars, battling each other for control over valuable resources, land, or wealth. However, no matter which side they belonged to, everyone shared one dream: to find more power and therefore, more happiness. We


15 Effective Stress Management Strategies for a Healthier Life

Stress is present in various aspects of our lives and continues to be a popular topic in research. Stress is understood as a discrepancy between the physical or psychological demands to be met and the available resources, such as the


Why do we love Autumn, A psychological exploration!

A study conducted in Japan demonstrated that an autumn foliage mountain landscape image had relaxing effects among women in their 20s. If just an image of the season can bring about such psychological changes, how much more can happen during