Search Results for : emotions

Understanding the Essential Skills in Psychology

In today’s world, understanding the behaviour of a person is complex. As we all know psychology is the study of human behavior and mind. Psychologists are the professionals who help people cope with harmful behaviour and the social and emotional

Awareness Health

Urban Noise Pollution: Effects on Mental Health and Well-Being

Life in a city has both pros and cons, it provides efficiency as well as negatively impacts on mental health of people. On the one hand, it offers plenty of job opportunities, loaded with entertainment, and lots to explore. On

Awareness Self Help

How Unexpected Positive Events Influence Happiness and Mental Health

There is a strong relationship between happiness and mental health. It is well-accepted that unexpected positive events are important indicators of healthy well-being. Such events may be trivial day-to-day activities to something out of the ordinary, but one’s feelings can


Decoding Dreams of the Dead Through Science and Spirit

Death is a concept widely studied yet has no clear answer to it. We are always told that if someone is born, they also must die someday. Meanwhile, there are studies and countless research to know how to live forever


Can One Be Friends with their Therapist?: Psychologist Speaks

The therapeutic relationship might be described as one of the most important factors in successful therapy for patients within the world of mental health. This process provides a safe, empathetic, and supportive atmosphere in which clients can share their thoughts,


We are indeed what we think!

In this modern world there is no running away from social media. Social media has a role to play in modern day lifestyles of all human beings. One of the concern is anyone can be an expert on anything; whether they

Positive Self Help

Are you really taking care of yourself?

Every single day you wake up, go to work/college, do your regular routine activities, maybe hang out with your friends once in a while, eat out, watch movies, basically live a normal life. But let me ask you some really


Why do Some People Lack Empathy?: Psychologist Speaks

A component that every psychologist is taught about, something that we are asked to improve and build over time. Remember the example of stepping into other’s shoes and thinking? Empathy. It is being able to understand other’s emotions and what


Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Imagine that your life is a movie and nothing is real, you have no control over what you say or do. This is how people suffering from depersonalization-derealization disorder feel regularly. Let’s find out more about it.  What is Depersonalization-Derealization


Life of an Ambivert  

Are you someone who likes to go out and meet new people every day? Or, are you someone who likes to stay alone on weekends in the comfort of your own house?  Or, are you someone who likes to go out