Search Results for : emotional disconnect

How to be mindful all the time?

Time is money. Today’s people are trying to save their time for better family relations, quality work performance, and spending it on self-care and hobbies to make life meaningful. But why do they need some extra effort to enjoy their

Awareness Education

Homesickness: Life of students outside their home country

The journey to study or live in a new country is an exhilarating adventure filled with promises of discovery, growth and endless opportunities. However, with excitement comes a deeply experienced human emotion that is caused by geographical boundaries: homesickness. Homesickness


The Psychology Behind the Chilling Case of Jeffery Dahmer 

Jeffrey Dahmer was widely known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, an American serial killer and sexual offender responsible for 17 young men being brutally killed from 1978 to 1991. His shocking acts included murder, necrophilia, and dismemberment, shocking the world while


Understanding the Pseudobulbar Affect: Causes, Diagnosis, and Coping Strategies

The pseudobulbar effect is a neurological condition where a person experiences sudden, involuntary, and uncontrollable episodes of laughing or crying. Around the globe and in our country, there has been a significant prevalence of causes related to post strokes depression,


Beyond Textbooks: Delhi School Project Shines Light on Kids’ Mental Health Battles

Beyond Textbooks: Delhi School Project Shines Light on Kids’ Mental Health Battles Beneath the familiar hum of classrooms and chatter of hallways, a silent storm brews in the minds of many Delhi schoolchildren. Anxiety, bullying, and strained family relations –


Peripheral relationships and their power

People of all ages have social partners (e.g., cousins, classmates, neighbors,) that they are not close to, in everyday life, peripheral links from. These connections let people connect to wider social networks and offer chances for social support, identity exploration,


Effects of Postpartum Depression on Children

Effects of Postpartum Depression on Children Postpartum depression (PPD) is sometimes experienced by mothers after the birth of their child. It is common to experience its symptoms in the first year after childbirth. However, some women are more at risk


Depression is a burden to the Global Economy

Health authorities express concern about the rising prevalence of social isolation among individuals. U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said that there is a strong connection between feelings of loneliness and sadness. Isolation and social disconnection increase the likelihood of

Health News

Exercise can both treat and prevent postpartum depression: Study

According to a recent study, moderate aerobic exercise can both prevent and alleviate postpartum depression. This week’s meta-analysis, which looked at data from 26 research involving over 2,800 participants, revealed that aerobic exercise is a useful preventive and therapeutic measure


What is Schema Therapy?

Schema Therapy is a relatively new therapeutic technique, developed by the psychologist Jeffrey Young in the 1980s to the 1990s. Young theorised that sometimes, people may develop maladaptive thinking patterns in childhood, that interfere with healthy functioning in their adult