Search Results for : aggression

How Do Child Psychologists Help?

Did you know that early intervention by child psychologists can significantly improve a child’s emotional and mental health? This compelling fact highlights the importance of child psychology and the critical role that child psychologists play in the development of young


Psychology Behind Inequality

Conversations about inequality in the present world, as you may have seen, are taking a gradual surge in different political, economic and social dimensions. These talks have always been an ingrained part of society. Once merely hushed whispers, they have


The Psychology Behind the Case of John Wayne Gacy: Pogo the Clown

Trigger Warning: The contents of this article can be Disturbing for some individuals John Wayne Gacy is regarded as one of the most notorious serial killers in the history of America. Due to his evil methods of committing violence and

Awareness Education

Psychology Behind Racism

Discriminating or treating someone like they’re less capable just because of their race, is what racism is all about. It is an ethnocentric belief that one race, be it in physical features, caste, traditions, culture et cetera is superior to


Psychology Behind Animal Abuse

Unacceptable behaviours that inflict pain and suffering on animals are called animal abuse or cruelty against animals. There has been an increase in the number of these cases but studies say that many of such cases remain undetected as the


Understanding The Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy Model

Have you ever faced a serious case of procrastination? You are faced with a challenging project at work or school, and instead of focusing all your attention on the task at hand, you find yourself procrastinating and thus avoiding the

Crime Self Help

The Psychology Behind Stalking

A pattern of persistent harassment, texts, phone calls, and other codes of conduct directed towards a particular person can be interpreted as stalking. This activity leaves the target feeling uneasy and overburdened. In modern society, Stalking has been listed as


Top 12 Psychology Books That Are A Must-Read In 2024

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” is a famous quote by Dr. Seuss. Perhaps no key opens more doors than a good book. Books are

Parenting Therapy

4 Autism Therapy Techniques for Parents

Through the journey of parenthood, there is a general expectation for your child to be a reflection of your dreams and aspirations. As parents, you might envision moments that involve your child making friends at school, participating in play dates,


6 Reasons You Should Study Psychology

Psychology, often defined as “the scientific study of mental processes, experiences and behaviour in different contexts”, encompasses a broad range of understanding of the human mind and behaviour. By employing scientific methods such as experimentation, testing, observation, and analysis, psychologists