Search Results for : Empathy

Mere Exposure Effect in Psychology

The mere exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon whereby human beings tend to develop a choice for matters or humans that might be similar to others. It increases familiarity. This impact is therefore also referred to as the familiarity effect. 

Life Style

10 Subtle Signs of Highly Creative People, According to Psychology 

The creator of the famous Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh described himself as a “man of great passions.” With a diagnosis of a mental illness, he was oscillating between manic and depressive episodes. He sometimes experiences episodes where he is


Positive Psychology: Harnessing the Power of Happiness, Mindfulness, Savoring & Inner Strength

Positive psychology is a field of psychology that focuses on the study of positive emotions, strengths, virtues, and factors that contribute to human well-being and flourishing. It emerged in the late 20th century as a response to the traditional approach


Crucial Role Of Career Counselors In Schools

In a research study of job satisfaction rates among the Western culture population, it was found that 30% of respondents view their work as “just a job to get and work for” rather than as a meaningful, fulfilling career. This


The Psychology behind the case of Jack The Ripper

Trigger Warning: Sensitive Information in the Article, might be disturbing to some Readers Who is Jack the Ripper? Jack the Ripper was a man who murdered about 5 women in 1888 and turned out to be the biggest fear of


Effective Strategies for Coping With Academic Burnout in College

Your college years could be among the most exciting times of your life. For instance, it could be at this time that you first experience how it feels like to stay away from home – the freedom that comes with

Awareness Self Help

What’s the Difference Between a Psychopaths and a Sociopaths?

You’ve probably heard the words psychopaths and sociopaths. They are commonly misinterpreted to characterize people who lack empathy, disdain norms, are unconcerned about the rights of others, have aggressive inclinations, and never feel sorry. While sociopathy and psychopathy are not


Mastering Effective Communication: Building Trust and Strong Relationships

Effective communication is a two-way method wherein you want to make certain that the alternate information is apparent and complete. It isn’t always just the trade of information and messages, however, the concept is to efficiently deliver the intention and


Psychology Behind Animal Abuse

Unacceptable behaviours that inflict pain and suffering on animals are called animal abuse or cruelty against animals. There has been an increase in the number of these cases but studies say that many of such cases remain undetected as the

Self Help

Understanding the Mother Wound and Its Impact on Well-Being

Mothers, who are often represented as the primary caregivers for their children, are known for the unconditional love they have for their kids. We often associate the mother-child relationship with traits like trust, empathy, nurture and comfort that help in