Search Results for : sleep
Health Positive

Prioritize your night’s sleep and don’t get deprived of it

How many of you find sleeping to be unmanageable these days? And also consider it as a catastrophe for sack time?   It’s late-night, but you are still awake and finding it difficult to fall asleep. Your eyes glued to

Awareness Self Help

Tips to improve quality of sleep: sleep hygiene

When was the last time you had difficulty falling asleep? Or difficulty staying asleep? Have you ever woken up too often during the same night resulting in you being tired the next day? What do you think is the reason


Sleep hygiene amid covid-19

COVID-19 has interfered with our daily lives beyond imagination. We are exposed to looming threats that are demanding our adjustment each day. With increasing pressure and heightened stress and anxiety, many are facing sleep problems or are seeing worsening of

Health Motivation

Neuroscience of Motivation: How Orexin Neurons Drive Voluntary Exercise and Resist Temptation

Voluntary exercise offers various benefits for both physical and mental health. However, sticking to a consistent workout routine can be a challenge, especially when faced with temptations like comfort food or relaxing activities. What drives us to push through these

Life Style

How  Does Trauma Affect Brain Function?

Trauma can impact the body as well as the mind on a deep level. Anytime we speak of trauma, we are talking about having gone through something disturbing or heartbreaking, such as being in a serious car accident or losing

Health News

Smartphone use may increase heart disease risk: study

In today’s world, smartphones have become an extension of ourselves, but could this constant connectivity with our smartphones hurt our cardiovascular health? Experts are raising concerns about how smartphone use may affect our hearts. In an intriguing and captivating discussion


Strategies for Managing Academic Burnout in Students

Understanding Academic Burnout This kind of burnout has become widespread among students in the modern world. Generally, academic pressure leads to this situation. It originates from recurrent stress and fatigue. But what do we mean by ‘academic burnout’? It goes

Positive Self Help

How to Deal with your Mental Health during major Life Transitions?

The only thing constant is change Life is not always a bed of roses. It takes us through an unexpected journey of turns. Some transitions are anticipated  (marriage or retirement), and others are abrupt and unexpected (loss of a loved

Positive Self Help

10 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude in Your Daily Life, According to Psychology

You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the  fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance. Khalil Gibran We all pray when we need something, but how conveniently do

Life Style

Psychology behind Aggression

In psychology, aggression often covers a wide range of behaviours that can cause physical or mental harm to oneself or others. Aggression and violence are often driven by negative emotions like fear or anger. For instance, a person may react