Search Results for : relationship

Peripheral relationships and their power

People of all ages have social partners (e.g., cousins, classmates, neighbors,) that they are not close to, in everyday life, peripheral links from. These connections let people connect to wider social networks and offer chances for social support, identity exploration,


Importance of Self-Respect in Relationships

In our lives, we have to stumble upon many folks who select relationships over self-respect they think that their respect can be compromised and may be adjusted while you are in a relationship. Self-esteem and self-respect percentage a near relationship.


The psychology behind the live-in relationship

Love, romance, and Sex always attract human beings. In the 21st century with the impact of K Drama and Social media, it become an even more fascinating stage and experience for human life. Since the beginning of human existence, human’s


Importance of Trust in Relationships

A relationship based on trust is reliable. It is expected that a reliable party will work to maintain the law, moral measures, approaches, and their earlier commitments. Believing in someone’s ability to perform as anticipated is the foundation of trust.


Decoding Love-Related Confusion: Insecurity and Self-Esteem in Relationships

Love has been the subject of thousands of pages by theologians, philosophers, screenwriters, and many more. It’s something that intrigues us all and at the same time confuses us all. It’s human nature to understand what love means to us,


Ghosting: How it Responds to Relationships

Ghosting could be a strategy utilized to suddenly end a relationship by cutting off all communication and discussion without giving any prior notice or justification. In spite of the fact that this term is most commonly related to sentimental connections,


Unmasking Fake Relationships: Recognizing the Signs

The relationship is a bond of emotional connection and affection which gives a sense of satisfaction and belonging to the individuals who are connected in some or the other way. How important is a relationship? Many psychology studies have revealed


Co-Dependency in Romantic Relationships

Interpersonal romantic relationships are usually perceived to be positive, enabling bonds that provide support and affection to the person to strive for better. Within such relationships, there is a predominant nurturer and a predominant nurturant, despite the two of them


Relationship Between Crime & Trauma in India

This article provides an understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder. Its effects on individual and therapeutic ways to help the victim of trauma overcome their past. The author has taken information from different sources, and the references are provided at the


Relationships and substance abuse

According to WHO, substance abuse thus can be explained as ‘the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.’ Substance abuse can also be explained as when someone uses alcohol, drugs, and other legal substances in