Search Results for : mood

The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Health and Well-being

Quality sleep is crucial for maintaining overall health—physical, mental, and emotional. Without sufficient sleep, we may experience effects the following day, such as decreased energy levels needed to function optimally. A healthy adult typically needs 6-8 hours of sleep each


Long-Term Effects of Childhood Neglect on Adult Mental Health

Childhood is a crucial time when emotional, psychological, and social well-being is shaped for the future. Many challenges can affect a child’s development, and one of the most harmful forms of abuse is neglect. Unlike physical abuse, which often leaves

Hindi Self Help

तनाव और वज़न बढ़ने के बीच संबंध

कुछ लोगों के लिए, वजन बढ़ने से तनाव और बढ़ सकता है। तनाव और वजन बढ़ने के बीच के संबंध को समझने से लोगों को अपने स्वास्थ्य के इन पहलुओं को पहचानने और प्रबंधित करने में मदद मिल सकती है।

Life Style

How  Does Trauma Affect Brain Function?

Trauma can impact the body as well as the mind on a deep level. Anytime we speak of trauma, we are talking about having gone through something disturbing or heartbreaking, such as being in a serious car accident or losing


Strategies for Managing Academic Burnout in Students

Understanding Academic Burnout This kind of burnout has become widespread among students in the modern world. Generally, academic pressure leads to this situation. It originates from recurrent stress and fatigue. But what do we mean by ‘academic burnout’? It goes


Understanding Bingeing and Purging: Causes, Effects, and Treatment

Bingeing and purging are usually associated with eating disorders, particularly bulimia nervosa. These behaviours can have intense physical, emotional, and psychological consequences; it is, therefore, important to understand them to help create awareness and empathy as well as treatment approaches.

Life Style

Psychology behind Aggression

In psychology, aggression often covers a wide range of behaviours that can cause physical or mental harm to oneself or others. Aggression and violence are often driven by negative emotions like fear or anger. For instance, a person may react

Health Self Help

Managing Bipolar Disorder: Impact of Treatment Options

Mood swings are common in day-to-day living. But imagine having to lead a normal life amidst extreme mood swings. Exceptionally high energy levels characterize a manic phase. Then there comes an extremely depressing phase. For some these episodes alternate. How


Digital Solutions to Sleep, no longer a Dream!

Sleep Problems have the potential to become the next Mental Pandemic considering their strikingly high global prevalence in the past decade. Scientific evidence suggests that the prevalence of ‘sleeplessness’ is as high as 50-60% amongst slightly older adults, females and

Self Help

What happens when you quit drinking alcohol?

“When I close the door on alcohol, I open a window to the  best version of myself.” It is an act of courage that allows a person to break free from the addictive relationship and create a life full of