Search Results for : depression

Birthday Depression: When the Celebration Feels Heavy

Your birthday is coming up soon, so it’s that period of year once more. Even though you’ve been anticipating this day for months, you don’t feel excited at all now that it’s nearly here. Instead, you’re experiencing low mood, anxiety,


Understanding Postpartum Depression: Navigating the emotional journey of Motherhood

A kind of mood complaint related to parturition known as postpartum depression(PPD), occasionally known as postnatal depression, can affect people of both sexes. Extreme sadness, low energy, anxiety, crying ages, desirousness, and changes in sleeping or eating routines are only


Gut Fungal Imbalance Linked to Adolescent Depression!

It is common knowledge that depression is a medical term used to describe a condition where a person feels very sad and down for a long time. And it is more common than you might think. It affects many people,


Exercise May Help Improve Working Memory in People with Depression

All of us have heard since the beginning of time that exercise and physical fitness is good for us. It can improve physical health, boost mood, reduce stress, and whatnot. Well, guess what! Research has found that exercise can also

Awareness Social

Rising of Depression, A Major Concern In India

In India, where the prevalence of depression is alarmingly rising, it has become a serious worry. However, despite its gravity, mental health concerns in India continue to get a worrisome lack of attention. This article seeks to examine the causes


“High-processed food” developing the risk of depression

A rising amount of studies has recently illuminated how nutrition affects mental health. A balanced diet is commonly acknowledged to be essential for physical well-being, but new research indicates that it may also have an impact on our mental health.

Awareness Health

Do you know about Atypical Depression?

According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -5, Atypical Depression has been classified as a subtype of Major Depressive Disorder. Atypical Depression is a specific type of Depression wherein individuals may experience a unique set of symptoms apart

Life Style

High Consumption of Fried Food May Lead To Anxiety and Depression

We all like to eat fried food or we call it junk. Don’t we? But did you know that eating fried food can cause anxiety and depression? Isn’t it new This article talks about how eating fried food can cause


Protests leading to PTSD and Depression

In recent months Hong Kong was embroiled in protests starting from June against  plans to allow extradition to mainland China. Protests spread like a wildfire demanding separation from mainland China. Though, protests had profound impact on the psychological well- being


A Defeatable Devil: Geriatric Depression

Old age is often portrayed as a time of rest. Reflections and opportunities to do things that were put off while raising families and pursuing careers. Even so unfortunately people often isolate themselves at this age. Isolation reinforces the sense