Search Results for : behaviours

Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements and Their Impact on Mental Health

The act of assigning to a specific woman or man particular traits or duties only because she or he belongs to the social group of women or men is known as gender stereotyping. It is a generalised belief or preconception


What Is the Growing Concern Behind Digital Addiction?

Since the start of the 21st century, technology has expanded drastically across the globe. In current times, owning a mobile phone and computer/laptop has become a necessity. The internet is also growing vastly from 4G to 5G, 2D to 3D,


Study: Parental Perfectionism Linked to Compulsive Gaming

We are all familiar with parents who may pressure their children to be the best. Now, while being the best sounds great, it can be overwhelming. Perfectionistic parental attitudes refer to when parents have really high standards and expectations for


Let’s Understand Stress Gap between Males and Females

For every one of us, modern life is stressful. You may come back home many days tired and wanting the nights to be longer. Have you wondered how different sexes would be reacting to stress and how this stress may


What is Mobilization in Psychology?

In psychology, the concept of mobilization can be regarded as the process in which an individual or groups gather and direct psychological, emotional, and physical resources towards their particular goal/objective. It comprises both stimulating and arranging one’s thoughts, emotions, and


Understanding The Neurobiology of Addiction!

While most of us can have a healthy relationship with things, some of us cannot. How? Well, imagine there’s something that makes you feel good, like eating your favourite candy or playing your favourite game. Now if you like it

Self Help

Living Beyond Anxiety: Empowering Yourself to Embrace Life Fully

Anxiety is an excessive and persistent feeling of tension and worry that influences the physical body by increasing heart rate, rapid breathing, higher blood pressure and feelings of tiredness. Physical symptoms of anxiety can also include dizziness, muscle aches, trembling,


Unconventional Therapies: You may have not heard before

Therapy is a clinical framework where a clinician works towards alleviating impaired behaviours or emotional aspects that might be causing problems to a person. The clinician utilises various strategies to achieve this goal in such a process and therapy takes


Hypnosis: A Magic or Medicine?

To Hypnotise is to put oneself or another into a relaxed, focused condition. A hypnotist is a person who has the ability to hypnotize others. The verb hypnotize is derived from the Greek word ‘hypnotikos’, which means “inclined to sleep


Psychology of Habits: Understanding Habitual Behavior

In psychology, we describe habits as behaviours that people learn and then automatically and repeatedly engage in. And over time, it becomes relatively stable. Habits are often characterized by their automaticity, as they occur without conscious awareness or effort. They