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Self Help

Benefits, Risks, and Controversies of ADHD Medication Management

A fairly common neurodevelopmental disorder is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The disease may cause children to be extremely active and struggle with impulsive conduct. Additionally, they could struggle to focus, pay attention to instructions, and follow through on activities. When ADHD

Self Help

How Can Be an Expert With Social-Emotional Learning?

With the aid of the social-emotional learning (SEL) paradigm, children of all ages may better understand their feelings, experience them completely, and show empathy for others. These skills assist students in making wise decisions, developing plans to reach their objectives,


Let’s know about the Difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy

The two terms counselling and psychotherapy, even though they sound the same and many times have been used interchangeably are quite different in their meaning. Counselling and psychotherapy both involve a practitioner who is involved in giving talk therapy to

Self Help

Differences Between Positive & Negative Attitudes 

What is the distinction between a positive and bad attitude? We use these words to describe other people all the time. We can refer to someone as having a positive or negative attitude. We’re actually using these terms to describe


Aviation Psychology and its importance to the lives of pilot and flight crews

There are several mental concerns that pilots and their support staff deal with before, during, and after flights, depending on the new experiences and prior experiences; nonetheless, these issues are primarily psychological. So here aviation psychology plays a major role


Love Bombing: The Dark Side of Excessive Affection in Relationships

On one first date, someone gifted you a diamond necklace or told you I can’t believe it, I think I have finally found my soulmate. Is it the moment that you have been dreaming about or waiting for or is


OPACAROPHILE: Do you love to Watch the Sunset?  

Sunsets can have a particular place in one’s heart because of the beauty they contain. Sunset is a reminder that, just as light shines through the clouds, all of our difficulties may be alleviated. Also, as the sun sets and


Social Fear: Why Do You Feel Anxious with Others

Social anxiety can occur because of many reasons. Sometimes the fear of being judged induces anxiety in the person. Due to this restlessness and anxiety pumping in the body, we feel apprehensive and tend to avoid people as much as

Self Help

How Trauma and Identity Are Related to Each Other?

We all have a sense of self, who we think we are and the values we believe in. This sense of self is central to our identity. As Erik Erikson put forward identity is shaped throughout our life and can


Borderline Personality Disorder: How To Navigate the Emotional Roller Coaster

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is defined as a mental health condition in which a person has long-term patterns of unstable or explosive emotions. This inner experience often results in impulsive acts, problems with self image and a chaotic relationship with