Search Results for : behaviours

Raising Boys in 21st Century

Raising children has never been an issue of discussion in the Indian context as the parenting style for both girls and boys – though strikingly different; was always well set and never challenged. With the changing times, the old ways


7 Types Of Psychology

Psychology is defined as the study of mind and behaviour. The concept of psychology was first introduced by the German philosopher named Wilhelm Wundt also known as the ‘Father of Psychology’. He opened the first psychology lab in 1879 at


Growing Strong: Mental Health Promotion for Children and Teens

Mental Health is a very decisive domain of our lives. It refers to overall cognitive, behavioural, and emotional well-being. Mental health usually reflects how people think, feel, and behave. Any distortions in mental health can affect daily living, relationships, and


Mental Health and Women

Women and men are different not only in their physical attributes but also in their psychological well-being. Women and men differ in the way they communicate, deal in relationships, express their feelings, and react to stress. Thus, gender differences are

Health News

Earphones, Lockets, and Among 100 Items Removed From Punjab Man’s Stomach

During a three-hour-long procedure, doctors removed many objects from the stomach of a 40-year-old man from Moga, Punjab, including headphones, bolts, nuts, washers, a lock, and keys. Medicality Director Dr Ajmer Kalra said, “This was the first occurrence for them

Self Help

Building Habits That Stick: A Deep Dive Into The Psychology

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle Many of us made resolutions and set objectives for what we wanted to accomplish in the New Year as the calendar turned. When we


The Hidden Scars of Witnessing Domestic Violence in Childhood

Witnessing Domestic Violence in Childhood Usually, the problems of children from domestic violence homes are easily ignored. The parents try their best to keep their children away from episodes of such, plus the signs are sometimes so subtle that the


Awareness And Useful Solutions To Psychological Disorders

Thousands of us suffer pangs of pain, frustration, helplessness, and disappointment because of psychological disorders. If the disorder is mild, they bear it in silence. If it is at a severe level, they are forced to take treatment. The expense


Breaking the Silence: The Truth About Borderline Personality Disorder

Mental Disorders, though have been a type of illness that has existed since the break of civilization, still are a highly misunderstood factor tainted with the ill-assumption of people. However, some specific mental disorders are even more stigmatized than others.

Awareness Self Help

Reasons You Should Have A Cuddly Four-Legged Friend

Animals and humans share a primordial connection. They have been kept as companions since ancient times. The type of pet effect or keeping patterns has changed immensely over the last few decades. People initially kept cows, dogs, horses, goats, or