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Awareness Technology

On Building Smart Culture for Using Smart Phone

It is “easier said than done” to reduce screen time. Implementation fails. Reason? The person, who wants to reduce screen time, does not know how to reduce it.Parents want to regulate and discipline the smart phone use of children. So

Awareness Education

Experimental Psychology: History, Features and Method

Experimental psychology refers to the work done by those who apply experimental methods to psychological study and basic processes. Experimental psychologists employ human participants and animal subjects to study many topics, including (but not limited to) sensation and perception, memory,

Health News

WHO’s New Guidelines to Maintain Mental Health at Workplace

The World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO) have issued new directions to address the mental health problems faced by employees at the workplace. Over recent years, there has been a growing concern regarding the mental well-being of


The Multifaceted Mind: Understanding Theories of Intelligence

Intelligence is a complex and multifaceted concept that has intrigued thinkers, scientists, and philosophers for centuries. It is subjective in nature as different people have their own interpretation of what they consider smart, brainy, or intelligent. Various debates and discussions

Health News Technology

New Study: Fitness Trackers Uncover Exercise-Mental Health Link

You are aware that exercise is beneficial to you and is good for your heart. But are you aware that engaging in physical exercise is beneficial to your mental health too? And in addition, how much vigorous physical exercise do

Awareness Health Social

Know About the Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Our Mental Well- Being

Meaning of DepressantsDepressants are those substances that have an effect on the neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and reduce one’s arousal and stimulation and slow down the message between brain and body. The depressants affect the neurons in the

Awareness Therapy

How Sound Therapy Helps to Maintain Mental Health and Wellness

People deal with stress and tension in different modalities as part and parcel of everyday life. Those under stress experience some level of anxiety, depression, fear, irritability, anger, and frustration. It also affects their cognitive functioning thereby causing difficulty in

Awareness Health Social

How to improve Concentrate

Meaning and Definition of Concentration: According to Moran (2004) “concentration refers to a person’s ability to exert deliberate mental effort on what is most important in any given situation”. Concentration also known as sustainable attention can also be defined as

Awareness Health Positive

Along With Physical Exercise, Mental Exercise Is Also Important

Mental Exercise: Definition and Meaning  Mental exercise can be stated as a method of enhancing brain power and capabilities and the ability to concentrate. Mental exercises help in keeping our Mental health at a “mentally fit” state, which on the

Health News Positive

What Is Dyslexia, How It Affects Children’s Mental Health

About Dyslexia: Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder and a predominantly learning disability characterized by a difficulty in reading and writing as a result of individual differences in the part of the brain responsible for language processing. Although no real reason