Search Results for : behaviours

9 Tips to Ensure a Positive Work Environment

In a world where a 9 to 5 job is the most detested and not always associated with a quality life and job satisfaction, where the term mostly remains a negative connotation, where a life sustained by such a job

Awareness Therapy

Stigma Around Therapy

Mental health problems are becoming more widespread today. Previously, there was a tremendous stigma associated with mental health problems, and seeking help from a mental health professional was considered shameful for their status. The underutilization of mental health services is

Social Therapy

Group Therapy: Aim, Benefits and Types

Have you ever heard about a group therapy session? We would all be a bit sceptical if we are suggested to attend therapy in a group because, for each one of us therapy is that space exclusive for us to


The Psychology of Resilience in Plague Paintings

Plague paintings, with their vivid depictions of death, despair, and disease, bear witness to the darkest chapters in human history. Yet, within these haunting scenes, there is an undercurrent of resilience that speaks to the indomitable spirit of the human


Toxic Workplaces: Signs, Impact and Solution

Have you ever lied to your boss that you were sick to get out of a work event? Received workload far beyond your abilities to get done with? Dealt with an overly controlling and micromanaging boss? Been a victim of


The Psychology Behind Viral Trends and Why We Follow Them

The world may be engulfed in a pandemic, climate crisis looming large, or political strife between countries escalating at an alarming rate, yet, one thing remains unchanged and unfazed, the internet and its trends. Whether it be the classic prank


The Obsession of K-pop Culture in India and its Psychological Impacts

South Korea is a nation with a population of slightly more than 51 million in East Asia, with more than half of its citizens living in Seoul City, its capital. The nation is prone to cyclones, tidal waves, and flood


Family Therapy: Objectives, Techniques and Effectiveness

The word ‘family’ defines a group of individuals united by blood, or by marital, adoptive or other intimate ties (APA). As Winston Churchill stated, “ There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all

Life Style

The Psychology Behind Celebrity Obsession

People have a number of talents when they show their talent on a platform, they earn fans and fandom. When someone reaches celebrity status. It is so natural to admire their accomplishments. Liking a celebrity for their talent is one

Industrial Social

The Psychology of Persuasion

Getting Your Way More Often: The Psychology of Persuasion Have you ever wondered why some people can so effortlessly convince others to see things their way while others have a hard time doing so? It all comes down to the