Search Results for : memory
Health News

A study found new hope for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

Worldwide cases of Alzheimer’s disease are expected to reach more than 55 million by 2020, according to Alzheimer’s disease International. Increasing to 78 million in 2030 and 139 million in 2050, this number will nearly double every 20 years. According

Education Health News

Worried about children missing out on SCHOOL?

Is your child complaining about stomach aches regularly or eating too much food but there is no sign of growth in the body? It might be possible that the stomach or intestine of your ward could be infected by a

Awareness Education Health

Let’s Talk about SEX! Mental health benefits of sex

When it comes to protect our mental health, we focus on exercise, meditation, self-care, being mindful, eating healthy food, engaging in activities which gives pleasure and many more things which helps us to improve our mental health. Today we will


All you need to know about mindfulness

Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentallyDr: jon kabat-zinn What does Mindfulness training do?With mindfulness training, the individual accepts this universal reality that events will happen and leading to positive and

News Social

Great Loss: The Demise of Prof. Avinash Kumar

Today, Professor Avinash Kumar, the Head of the Psychology Department at the University of Delhi, passed away from a heart attack. He had been heading the Department since April 2021. Professor Kumar completed his Ph.D. in 2008 and has been

Health News Social Travel

Air India Pee Gate Incident, mental health expert says “Avoid Drinking on Flights”

The ‘pee gate’ incident took place in November involving a man who allegedly urinated on an elderly woman while he was intoxicated on a flight from New York to Delhi. Such unfortunate occurrences bring into light the problems associated with

Awareness Positive

Food that Helps to Fight Anxiety

Anxiety is a problem faced by many people today. It is one of the major mental illnesses affecting nearly 20% of the world’s population. The person is characterized by constant worry and nervousness which is sometimes related to poor brain


The Savants “Idiots or Genius….??”

We humans are those creatures who are always ruled by one strange devil known as “Insatiability”. As put forward by renowned psychologist Alfred Adler, humans strive for superiority. Still, there are several examples where people who are considered as below

Awareness Health

Dissociative Disorders: on overview

Dissociative disorders are indicative of dissociation and a lack of continuity in the normal amalgamation of consciousness, identity, memory, body representation, perception, emotion, behaviour and motor control. Dissociative symptoms carry the potential to disrupt almost every aspect of psychological functioning.


Media Destigmatizing Mental Illness

Web Series Breathe: Into the Shadows, brings light on showcasing Dissociative Identity Disorder Breathe: Into the shadows, a recent Indian web series has stirred up a lot of review and discussion. No doubt, the quality of Indian web shows and