Search Results for : behaviours

Schizophrenia: What it is, Symptoms and Treatment

Schizophrenia: What It Is And How It Can Be Treated. Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic mental disorder that transforms a person’s perception of reality. It affects how one thinks, feels, and behaves. Individuals afflicted with this disorder undergo disorganised


DBT For Teenagers

Teenage years are characterised by significant biological, psychological, and social changes, as well as a desire for independence, autonomy, identity creation, and peer acceptability. Such a transitional age is characterized by high levels of emotional difficulties and turmoil. According to


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

A person who prefers a clean and tidy environment may be accused of being ‘OCD’ by their peers and families. We are also familiar with multiple characters, such as Monica from the TV series Friends, who are also labelled ‘OCD’.


The Psychology behind Hormonal changes

Hormones are chemical messengers that travel throughout the body and are involved in the bodily changes of a human being. With bodily changes, it also impacts the psychological functioning of the individual which affects the behaviour, emotions and cognition. Hormones


Some Lesser Known Fields of Psychology

All of us are very familiar with the fields of clinical psychology, counselling psychology and their specific areas of intervention. The fields of forensic psychology, school psychology, educational psychology etc., may also ring a bell to some of you. You


The Pathologization of Female Emotions

The Pathologization of Female Emotions When social networking sites are overflowing with memes and discussion of the “boys will be boys” mentality, there’s a question that needs to be asked. Is their behaviour being excused under this label as a


Deconstructing Pop Culture’s Impact on Eating Disorders

Eating disorders, like many mental illnesses, are extremely complex and often misunderstood. Researchers have made significant strides in understanding the underlying factors associated with eating disorders, shedding light on both biological and environmental contributors. 28-74% of the risk for eating


A Deep Dive into Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers

In the spring of 2011, Eli Pariser in his book The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding From You introduced the phenomenon of Filter Bubbles, where algorithms, search engines, and social media applications tend to present to you a


Eating Disorder: Causes, Types And Symptoms

How would you feel when you deliberately puke out everything that you ate within a few hours? Or how about skipping meals for days and literally starving? Hearing about these hypothetical circumstances may make you feel uncomfortable and doubtful about


Emotional Baggage in the Workplace

While being in our profession or at our workplace, we all may have felt nervous, anxious, even hopeless and desperate at some point or the other. We may have had multiple negative emotions knocking on the doors of our minds