Search Results for : meditation
Awareness Positive

How can we control our minds and make friends with it?

Does it often happen that you got stuck? You are confused. You have no clue in life. You don’t know what to do next. Hang on! It is essential to stop by and recognize your thoughts, comparing the negative v/s


Self-Awareness is the key to Self-Mastery

“Don’t be sad! It is such a waste of time”. “Hey you look sad, don’t be, try being happy?”. “Try being happy, you will enjoy your work more”. These are the things that we all must have heard at some

Awareness Self Help

Tool for happiness: Self-Care & Self-Love

 “Why are you so negative of yourself?”, “Why don’t you value yourself?”. We usually reply with an affirmation, “Yes!! Of course.” But why does it gets tricky when we are asked, “How do you?” Perhaps it may be best to

Education Therapy

Various Facts and Myths about HYPNOTHERAPY

                                    “You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favourable climate in which to learn.” Contrary to

Health Self Help

Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace

Mental health and wellness: overcoming the uncertainty by finding inner peace   Every adversity carries the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit – Napolean Hill It’s all always great till life throws you a curveball to test your skills

Health Motivation

Covid-19: Uncertainty and Vigorous Mind: A Research Review

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” H.P. Lovecraft The unknown novel corona virus is the biggest enemy which has engulfed the world with its


Empty- Nest – Time for Makeover

Empty-nest syndrome; I hadn’t even heard of the term, up till my elder brother went abroad for his higher education. Then, he introduced me to it, out of worry and concern for our parents. Needless to mention, a couple’s life

Awareness Self Help

Tips to improve quality of sleep: sleep hygiene

When was the last time you had difficulty falling asleep? Or difficulty staying asleep? Have you ever woken up too often during the same night resulting in you being tired the next day? What do you think is the reason

Self Help

Anger Inoculation

Anyone can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, or the right purpose, and in a right way- it is not easy: Aristotle Let’s face it,

Awareness Self Help

Conscious learning from crisis

Sowing Seeds of sensitivityDeep down in my heartNo matter where life plants meSrijan will spring up from my soul! Srijan means creative capacity.             I was sharing these deeply felt lines to myself. These lines emanated from core of conscience,