Search Results for : traumas
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Psychology Behind Avoidant Personality

Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD) represents a profound and complex mental health condition characterized by intense social inhibition, deep-seated feelings of inadequacy, and an acute sensitivity to negative evaluation. This disorder transcends mere shyness; it embodies a fundamental fear of rejection

Self Help

Psychology behind intense emotions

We’ve often heard people saying such things about people who feel intense emotions “It’s not my fault she’s so sensitive”, “she’s probably crying for attention”, “it’s not that deep”, “oh you’re overreacting.” These could be used to refer to people


Kho Gaye Ham Kahan: A Dark Story of Social Media World

Kho Gaye ham kahan is a genz film that talks about our generation. In a simple way, where our lives are just too dependent on social media, likes, and validation. Moreover, it also addresses some real-life issues, which include relationship


The Power of Breathwork

Breathing is an essential bodily function that we often take for granted. However, breathwork — conscious breathing techniques and practices — can have profound effects on both our physical and mental health. From ancient yogic pranayama to modern therapeutic techniques,


The Psychology behind faith

Establishing the feeling of purpose that is essential for managing life’s stresses and traumas is facilitated by faith. This is particularly true for experiences that deviate from our typical expectations. Faith is generally explained in terms of fundamental psychological factors


What are the Techniques of Psychoanalysis?

Perspective create the difference and in psychology 4 early school of thought were used to explain the psychology behind human behaviour and Mental Disorders. All these schools of thought use different techniques to treat mental disorders. These schools of thought


Echoes From Antiquity: The Inhuman Practice of Trephination in Brain Medicine

In the field of psychology, much controversial treatment has been used in the past. It was an attempt to help mentally ill patients, which later turned out to be either not useful or had more advertisement effects on patients than


Personality Complexes: Understanding Different Sides of Yourself

In the field of psychology, Personality is a huge topic. Many Psychologists presented their theories of personality to explaining the psychology of humans. They did this because they wanted to help people and they could do this only when they


5 Types of Friendships

Friendships are important connections throughout a person’s life span. It is a state of enduring affection, regard, and trust between two people. It is characterized by a bond of affection, companionship, and shared activities between two members or more than


10 FAQs on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Q1. What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? OCD is a brain and behaviour disorder that falls within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) category of anxiety disorders. It is characterized by obsessions and compulsions that interfere