Search Results for : romantic relationships

Tips to help you and your partner reconnect after a break in the relationship: A Psychological Perspective

Romantic relationships are a very integral part of our lives, having companionship can make our experiences more colourful, and it may act as a shield of support during our trying times. Despite the beauty of the relationships, it can sometimes


6 Psychological Benefits of Celibacy

The vow of celibacy implies self-sacrifice, seeming unnatural to many. Reproduction is a primary human drive, being an essential element of species evolution. While celibacy goes against basic human nature, it is wholeheartedly accepted by some cultures in the belief


What does it mean to be in a Platonic Relationship?

The term “platonic friendship” might initially seem useless since friendships are inherently platonic, right? A platonic relationship is a close friendship between two individuals rooted in genuine affection and mutual respect, without any sexual or romantic involvement. This type of relationship thrives


Why Do People Sometimes Opt for Psychics Instead of Psychologists and When Can It Actually Be the Right Choice?

As modern living becomes increasingly versatile in all areas, we observe a growing tendency to seek innovative solutions and approaches to welfare. That’s why choosing between psychics or psychologists for personal guidance is currently a prevalent practice. No doubt, a


Mere Exposure Effect in Psychology

The mere exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon whereby human beings tend to develop a choice for matters or humans that might be similar to others. It increases familiarity. This impact is therefore also referred to as the familiarity effect. 


Ways to Stop Holding Grudges and Move On

Holding a grudge means when we hold on to bitterness, resentment, anger, and other negative feelings against someone who has done something wrong with us. Holding a grudge is completely normal for a human being but not being able to

Awareness Entertain

The Good Doctor: Portraying Autism Disorder through an Interesting Story

The Good Doctor is a TV show/series released in 2017 and consists of seven seasons, available on various different OTT platforms. It’s a series based on an autistic young doctor, Shaun who works in a hospital in San Jose, California.


One Night Stand & Its’ Impact on Mental Health

One night stand has been a subject of interest and debate for many years, with differing views on their impact on mental fitness. In cutting-edge contemporary-day society, the idea of informal relationships and one-night stands has turned out to be


Parenting Your Partner is Good or Bad?

Parenting is frequently related to raising kids, navigating existence’s challenges, and providing unconditional love and guide. However, a less explored thing of parenting is essentially associated with the improvement of person relationships, in which one partner performs a nurturing or

Education Life Style

What is the Romeo-Juliet effect?

All of us are very well aware of who Romeo and Juliet are. Of course, they are forever deemed the people who attained the epitome of love and adoration. We may even gift the most adored couple in your whereabouts