Search Results for : psychology

The Psychology of Instagram

Over a billion people are active on Instagram, with the average user spending roughly 30 minutes a day on the image-centric platform. Instagram is one of the fastest growing SES (social network sites) owned by Meta platforms launched in 2010


Psychology behind Obedience

Are you someone who loves to follow the rules or someone who thinks rules confine us? We all live in the society where everything has rules. From the moment you wake up till the time we sleep, we are obliged


The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership, According to Psychology

Have you ever been wowed away while interacting with a person whose aura screams leader? What traits do you believe screamed leadership vibes? Maybe it was their charming personality or their ability to understand what you need or feel without


World of Polymaths: Psychology behind Multitalented Individuals

India was enthusiastic throughout the Olympics. From the wins of Manu Bhaker, to the collective grieving for Lakshya Sen’s loss; these players did not disappoint but made India proud as ever. Interesting fact about them is that alongside being a


The Psychology of Solitary Confinement

When I say, “The third week of March 2020”, what do you remember? The Lockdown, right? Imagine you lived separately from your family for work and had to manage the lockdown all alone. The first few months felt relaxing and

Education Motivation

A Psychology-backed Guide to Decision-Making

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…And be one traveller, long I stood, wrote American poet Robert Frost. Often we are at a crossroads and our lives depend on which path we choose. It is normal to become anxious during


10 Traits of Introverted Leaders, According to Psychology

What comes in front of your eyes when you hear the word ‘LEADER’?   A strong, assertive and outspoken person standing in front of thousands of people and  giving a speech. This is the common image of a leader that has been

Life Style

10 Reasons behind Why People do not Respect you, According to Psychology 

“I don’t want respect.” Said nobody ever. Everybody wants to be respected, from your parents to your friends to even your cat. Well, your cat probably craves respect most out of all of them. It is a universal truth that


10 Strong reasons your partner is a Green Flag, according to Psychology

“He checks my phone, he is such a Red flag’’, “He brought me chocolate and ice-cream during my periods, he is a Green flag for sure” We notice these statements being said around us a lot these days. The terms ‘Red


The Psychology Behind Hoarding Behaviour

Hoarding is relatively common; we all know someone with a garage full of random trinkets and things that seem of little use; however, there is a certain point where hoarding becomes an issue. For this reason, Hoarding Disorder has been